E3 Predictions
Games by Nerdboy on May 31, 2009
(Copy and pasted from TheBigPenguin Pre-Launch blog)
I’ll start with Microsoft, the first of the big three press conferences. There’s been quite a few rumors making there way around about what’s next for the 360 and honestly I’ll be interested to see exactly what’s going to happen next. If you remember the weeks leading up to E3 last year many gaming sites were buzzing with rumors stating that BOTH Microsoft and Sony had motion controllers that they’d be revealing during their press conferences. But neither did. This year it’s the same story however I’m not so sure it’ll be the same story for Microsoft. They seemed to show last E3 that while they still would have their “hardcore” games they would also try to grab some of the casual market. And with the recent purchase of a new kind of camera motion sensing technology (I’m not too knowledgeable on the details of exactly what it is) I wouldn’t be shocked if Microsoft did have a kind of motion controller to reveal.
Which brings me to this. Microsoft stated they would revolutionize home entertainment, or something along those lines. While I think it’s a little early to announce a “XBOX 720” I do have a theory of my own. First Microsoft could simply be bringing a new update to the NXE by adding more functionality with the party system. Last year they showed off the Netflix feature and I wouldn’t be shocked to see a new feature like this to further XBOX Live and cement it even more as the best Online service on any console.
However, it’s the recent announcement of the “Zune HD” that has me thinking. We’ve all heard the rumors that maybe Microsoft would try their hand at a handheld console. I’ve always told people that I don’t believe they will but now I wonder…could Microsoft try and make the Zune into a handheld? Much how Apple is doing with their foray into the handheld market. I predict Microsoft will show off the new Zune with some sort of Live capability. Allowing you to download games off of a marketplace and possibly even have some kind of connectivity with your 360 (think how the PSP and PS3 use their connectivity) streaming video, music, etc.
Speaking of games on the Zune I see Microsoft spending a very short amount of time talking about XNA and future plans with it. One of the big things with XNA 3.0 was the ability to make games for the Zune (another reason why I could see Microsoft trying to transform that into a gaming platform) and I’m sure they’ll try and address the, for lack of a better word, unpopularity of the community games. While I haven’t experienced them first hand (though I do want to get my hands on Dishwasher) I’ve heard many complaints that it is very hard to find the XNA games on the marketplace. Though like I said I don’t think they’ll spend much time at all talking XNA, as for the most part it doesn’t seem like many care about it. (Which really is too bad as it’s a great idea.)
Enough about that though, lets talk Microsoft and their games! I think this year will follow how last year went. They’ll have live demos of big multiplatform games while probably announcing that they have exclusive or timed exclusive DLC for said games. They’ll probably demo Mass Effect 2, Alan Wake and put the major focus on Halo 3: ODST. Microsoft will also show off some new downloadable titles, many containing a very casual flavor to them.
Lastly, how will they end their press conference this year? Will we have another Final Fantasy XIII shocker? First I think the Halo 3 ODST footage will come at the end alongside a release date and bundle announcement. Peter Molyneux I’m predicting will make a quick announcement about his new game that “isn’t Fable”.
We all know what happened last year…and we all want to forget. Sadly I don’t think things will be getting much better with Nintendo, in the eyes of the “hardcore gamer” at least. Nintendo has the casual market in the palm of it’s hand and there’s no way they’ll be letting it go. Last year Nintendo’s definition of games for the hardcore was Animal Crossing…while I do think Nintendo will announce a new Zelda game and POSSIBLY a new Mario I don’t see much else for the Wii that will “feed the hardcore”.
What we WILL see from Nintendo though should be relatively obvious. Wii Motion Plus will be showed off in all it’s “glory” as they demo Red Steel 2, Wii Resort and many other games to utilize it’s 1:1 motion sensing capabilities. While some games may look hopeful I don’t believe we’ll see much from the Wii other than what seems to be the usual casual fare.
However I think Nintendo will push the DSi huge during their press conference as they give a live demo for the much awaited Mario and Luigi RPG 3 and other new DS games. While outside chances I wouldn’t be shocked if DQ IX (DS) or even X (Wii) made an appearance at some point during the show even if only briefly. (Though I wouldn’t count on it.) They’ll show off more DSi ware games and possibly announce some bundles for the DSi or Wii to come later this year.
Last year Nintendo ended their show with none other than Wii Music…so what will it be this year? This year Nintendo will wrap up with a new trailer for either a new Zelda or Mario game…my bets are on Zelda.
Last year Sony showed off just what LittleBigPlanet could do as they ran their press conference with the help of Sackboy. While I doubt they’ll be doing that this year I wouldn’t be shocked to see some kind of “expansion” to be announced for LBP. I remember a few months back while watching some videos on gametrailers Alex Evans of Media Molecule hinted at some things they wanted to do with LBP in the future. I believe we’ll see announced these new LBP features. What will they be? I personally think they’ll be all new levels and creator tools to make level creation easier. Possibly new tools like the Paintanator that help to expand the gameplay.
Sony, like Microsoft also have had some rumors floating around with a new motion controller however I believe that for the time being we won’t be seeing anything of the sort from Sony. There have also been rumors of a “PSPGo!” and not only that but a new PSP that would be digital downloads only. While I personally don’t think the digital only part is true I do believe we will see a new PSP announced but with few details.
Before I go on lets talk about the PSN. While still no XBOX Live the PSN certainly has taken some leaps and bounds over the past year. Trophies being a key part of that. I think alongside a new PSP we’ll see Sony’s plans to expand the PSN even farther. They’ve been talking about having a universal PSN account and I believe we’ll see that here. You’ll be able to login to your PSN account from your PS3, PSP or PC. You’ll have a universal friends list and be able to send and receive messages from all three as well. They’ll also announce a new feature to the Trophy system (possibly the awards that were mentioned during last years conference) that will go live in a firmware update next week.
Continuing with the PSN talk I see Sony doing a sort of demo reel of all the upcoming PSN titles while also announcing a few more new titles. This will include games like Fat Princess and PixelJunk: Shoot while also featuring new titles like a new game from the creators of flOw and flOwer. We remember seeing Sony announce the PSN Video store and telling us it’d be up that night. Well going with the whole “PS3 is more than just a game system” stuff Sony has been saying I’ll go ahead and predict that Sony may announce a Music Store to be up on the PSN that night. They’ll also possibly announce new studios signing on with the Video store.
I think Sony will push the PSP hard during E3 as they’ll show off games like Motorstorm, LittleBigPlanet and RockBand all of which are making their first appearance on a handheld. They’ll probably announce PSP Trophies as well and I predict a PSP LittleBigPlanet bundle for this Holiday Season. Just as well they’ll have to talk about the PS2 as it STILL has games coming out for it. I believe they’ll make it apparent that this is the PS2’s LAST E3 and spend very little time on it.
As far as the PS3 goes on the hardware side I don’t think any of the recent rumors are true. The pictures of the “PS3 Slim” are fake and there will NOT be a price drop. Well, not immediately but we’ll get back to that .
Sony has a LOT of software they’ll be showing off for the PS3 and I’ll bet most of it is exclusive to the PS3. Games like Uncharted 2, Ratchet and Clank, MAG, God of War 3, White Knight Chronicles, Heavy Rain and much more. Now last year we saw Sony finish off the show with games like inFamous, God of War 3 and MAG. But what will they show off this year? Any big shockers?
First I think Sony will score the on stage demo of Final Fantasy XIII or at least a gameplay trailer. I could also see them maybe showing a new trailer for Final Fantasy Versus XIII but that’s doubtful. IF and that’s a big IF there’s a price drop it will be announced but won’t come until later this year…but I doubt very much they’d announce one so far in advance. I do see a 160GB PS3 bundle with Uncharted 2 being announced at what the retail price of a PS3 is now.
OH! One more thing…Kojima will come out and show off his new game, which I predict (despite everything we’ve seen on the countdown website), will NOT be a Metal Gear game but in Kojima fashion will look amazing.
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