Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide | How To Get Yuffie

A complete guide on how to unlock Yuffie in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Dec 23, 2024

Yuffie's ninja-like combat skills not only enrich the party's composition but also offer a fresh take on gameplay. Her addition to the plot is significant, as it delves deeper into her motivations and ties to the Wutai tribe, adding depth and variation to the story.

Methods for Recruiting Yuffie in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide,Methods for Recruiting Yuffie in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth

In Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, unlocking Yuffie involves a journey to Costa Del Sol in Fool's Paradise Chapter 6. You'll need to complete a sequence of minigames to obtain companion cards, which can be exchanged for the necessary swimwear to enter the beach. Once you've completed the chapter, you'll have the option to recruit Yuffie into your party.

Mini-games with Cloud: Beach Boys

Score 10,000 or more in this pirate-themed shooting gallery in Pirate's Rampage. 

Complete all three Queen's Blood tasks in the Card Carnival. In case you require assistance, we own all the answers to the puzzles. 

Mini-games with Tifa and Aerith

The goal of Run Wild is to defeat Red XIII in a free-for-all baseball game. 

Play the piano minigame at the resort hotel to complete the Royal Coast Concert. 

In Wheelie Rendezvous, discover the locations of each color wheelie around Costa Del Sol and return them to their respective stations. 

  • Find all four cacti in the Costa del Sol area in the Cactuar Caper. 
  • Head down to the beach after changing into your swimwear at one of the
  • charging stations. You'll be able to do it as Cloud, Tifa, or Aerith.
  • Complete the Hojo cutscene before facing up against the Grasptropod boss. Fortunately, Yuffie will step in midway through to rescue the situation.
  • Gather everyone on the beach for a chat after you vanquish Grasptropod, and then head back to the hotel for the night. At the top of the following day, you'll be able to choose Yuffie to join your party. When asked, select "Bring it" and then "You can come with" from the list of available dialogue options.

Also, check our Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review and other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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