Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide | How To Use Synergy Abilities & Skills

A complete guide on how to use synergy abilities and skills in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

Game Guide by Sabi on  Dec 22, 2024

In addition to the two combat mechanisms, you can equip your party members with a variety of talents and abilities to increase their strength. Being associated with two distinct concepts can make Synergy, one of the best qualities, a bit of a mystery.

This Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth skill and ability guide will show you all the ins and outs of using synergy abilities.

The Key to Unlocking Synergy Skills and Abilities 

Ability and skill are the two main components of Synergy. Not until all the requirements are satisfied can you make use of them. First things first, make sure you have the character you wish to use a Synergy Skill or Ability on in your party and unlock every other ability and skill. The only places you can get it are Golden Vending machines or Maghnata Books. In towns, you can find the Maghnata Books, whereas the latter is typically situated next to a bench. 

Synergy Skills 

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Guide, Synergy Skills

You'll be able to use your Synergy Skills and Abilities in battle if you have obtained a sufficient number of them. So, let's start by looking at the Synergy Skills and how you work in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. 

  • To use the R1 button while fighting, press and hold it. 
  • The left-hand corner will display several Synergy Skills. 
  • Next, select the Synergy Skill you wish to employ by pressing its corresponding button. 
  • From the Combat Settings in the Pause Menu, you can adjust the input for Synergy Skills. 

Abilities & Skills for Synergy 

Using Synergy Abilities takes more time than using Synergy Skills, but you are more potent. Synergy Abilities need you to accumulate Synergy Charge, which must be sufficient for the characters involved. 

  • Once you've amassed a sufficient amount of Synergy Charge 
  • To access the menu of commands, press the X button. 
  • Click the X Button when you reach Synergy Abilities. 
  • The next step is to choose a Synergy Ability. 

Raise limit levels, temporarily grant MP infinite, extend Stagger time, or boost ATB bars with the Synergy Abilities in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.


Also, check our Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review and other guides below:

Wasbir Sadat

Editor, NoobFeed

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