Final Fantasy XIII-2

Games by Akio-Norio on  Jan 20, 2011

As biZZy already announced Final Fantasy XIII-2 is on its way, i just thought i could aid him with a Teaser Trailer  If you still haven't read biZZy blog on FF XIII-2 here is a link


If you havent already played the previous Final fantasy XIII and do not want to ruin the experience i suggest you do now watch this trailer till you do so, but if you dont mind then go ahead.

Okay i think i should just add a little of my views. The first Final Fantasy XIII did have a good story and the graphics were arguably nothing short of epic. The only problem fans had was the amount of disks on the Xbox version but in my opinion without them they would of had to make a cut back on the story and graphics. Okay if the story in This new installment cant triumph that of the previous game i have a feeling this one may just over take the previous game in Sales since Final fantasy series is well known for its amazing story telling. I donno how they can best Final Fantasy XIII but that's one more reason to purchase that game :D. Well those are my thoughts on Final Fantasy XIII-2 thank you for reading :)

Christopher Nagato

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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