Final Fantasy XVI Guide | How To Get Ageless Oilstone

Here’s everything you need to know on how to get the Ageless Oilstone in Final Fantasy XVI.

Game Guide by Ornstein on  Jan 22, 2025

In Final Fantasy XVI, crafting and upgrading equipment is key to taking down tougher in-game challenges. Among the various minerals that may be required for such upgrades, one of the rarest and most valuable ones is an item called Ageless Oilstone. 

It is primarily used to enchant some of the most powerful weapons and armor in the game and is, therefore, of immense importance to the players who want to make the most out of their character. The place hides this rare element further, which cannot be obtained through ordinary means and requires much planning and attention. 

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Understanding Ageless Oilstone

Ageless Oilstone is one of the rarest crafting ingredients to be introduced in the later parts of the game. It serves primarily as a driving force in high-tier equipment upgrade processes that offer immense stat gain alongside battle benefits. 

Other than this, the Ageless Oilstone is not found in any treasure chest or dropped by enemies in regular gameplay. However, it is tied to high-end activities, rewarding the completion of the most challenging quests, hunts, and battles across the game. 

How to Get an Ageless Oilstone

More assuredly, the best way to get Ageless Oilstone is to complete high-ranked monster hunts. Populated through your progression of the main story, elite creatures within the Hunt Board reward rare items upon defeat, which need to be A-Rank and above to provide assurance for Ageless Oilstone. 

These are typically very powerful and exhausting foes, so a bit in advance of fighting them, prepare accordingly. For the battles, make sure weapons and armor are upgraded, as well as abilities, and that lots of restorative items are on hand. Outside of hunts, many of the side quests in the endgame have opportunities to obtain Ageless Oilstone. 

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Since most of these quests require defeating some big enemies or completing some complicated tasks, these are harder compared with the former missions. Look for side quests classified as high-priority ones or those involving famous NPCs; such are more likely to give rewards of uncommon resources.

Progressing through such quests allows you to not only earn Ageless Oilstone but also widen your knowledge with lore and the world that surrounds this game. This can also be another possible origin for the Ageless Oilstone: boss fights concerning the main story or additional quests. 

Some final post-game bosses have dropped rare minerals upon defeat, and Ageless Oilstone may be one of many rewards a person can receive. Keep an eye out for especially significant sounding encounters, as those tend to include high-tier crafting material drops. Additionally, some few merchants in the later zones of the game may, from time to time, carry Ageless Oilstone, which will be rare and may require a great sum of Gil or special money.

Maximize your farming efficiency 

The process of farming Ageless Oilstone requires great planning and judicious usage of one's time. First, you have to prepare your build, equipping yourself with gear and skills that will suit your style and fit into dealing with high-level monsters efficiently. 

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Prepare for the fight by researching the locations and weaknesses of monsters or bosses that drop the much-needed Ageless Oilstone. Utilize fast travel in order to instantly travel to hunt locations or quest zones, reducing time wasted between engagements. If some hunts or missions could be repeated or reset, exploit this to get more materials. 

Using ageless oilstone 

Once you acquire the Ageless Oilstone, you'll be able to use it with the Blacksmith to upgrade many of the tougher weapons and armor in the game. These can often give significant boosts to metrics like attack power, defense, or elemental resistances and are crucial to conquering the highest levels of difficulties in this game. 

Of course, the best use of this Ageless Oilstone is to upgrade the equipment of your preferred way of fighting. For example, if you use a melee attack, then upgrade your sword. If you want survival, you may want to upgrade your armor.

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The Ageless Oilstone is one of the most valuable resources that one can get during the process of maximizing his gear in Final Fantasy XVI, which includes high-level hunts, the most complicated side quests, and bosses-to cut it short, this is a prize for a well-equipped and persistent player. Give full focus to these activities, and use this material with judgment to get the full potential from your character's equipment in order to defeat even the toughest opponents in the game.

Also, check our Final Fantasy XVI Review and other guides below:

Faviyan Mustafiz

Editor, NoobFeed

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