Game Releases for the Week: February 19th-25th
One final week left in February
by Grayshadow on Feb 21, 2017
>The final week of February is here and that means one more week of video game releases. This month closes off with a massive release from Microsoft, Halo Wars 2. Unless you got the Ultimate Edition, which meant you've been playing the game since last week.
Here's what coming out this week!
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk - Xbox One, PS4, PC - February 21
Halo Wars 2 - Xbox One, Windows 10 - February 21
Nights in the Woods - Xbox One, PS4, PC - February 21 Ys Origin - PS4, PS Vita - February 21
Eternal Return - PC - February 24
Excited for anything specific, let us know in the comments below
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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