Gravity Crash, the game I just can't finish :(

Games by Nerdboy on  Dec 05, 2009


So I bought Gravity Crash off the PSN store thinking that the game looks great and I've been really loving some of the offerings that the PSN has had this past year.  Games like Shatter and Critter Crunch being some of my favorites.  Gravity Crash, as seen above, takes a very retro route and looks great while doing it. 


As soon as you start up the game you'll notice quite a few things.  First off the game has a really great soundtrack and has a lot of features.  From the main campaign mode to multiplayer and even a level editor that was used to make every level in the game.  Gravity Crash offers a LOT of content and should be commended for that.  However, I can't finish this game.  There is a lot of great things about this game but the things I don't like just keep me from touching it.  First off I find the words to be in some cases very hard to read and often times I won't even bother reading it cause I don't want to cause strain on my eyes.  Secondly I just cannot get myself to enjoy the game.  After hopping on to play a few levels I find myself just quitting having gotten bored.  I've tried numerous times and yet I just can't play more than 20 minutes of this game without having to stop. 


I'm sure there are people who love this game and I'd love to be one of them but sadly I just can't get into it.  The game looks great, the music is awesome but the gameplay just doesn't keep my hooked.  I wanted to do a review for this but I refuse to review a game that I haven't beat and I really don't see myself coming back to this game anytime soon.


On a side note my Prince of Persia review is up so go check that out.  God of War 1 review should be up in the next day or so as well as other things. :P

Curtis Humphrey

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