How to Get Final Fantasy XV's Flying Car

Want to fly in Final Fantasy XV, follow this guide

 by Grayshadow on  Dec 02, 2016

The Regalia is more than an expensive exotic car, it can be modded to fly!

Final Fantasy XV,Regalia F-Type,NoobFeed,Square Enix,

To get this amazing upgrade you'll need to do something optional, spoilers ahead.

1. To get the Regalia Type-F you'll need to complete the game first.

2. Take down three optional Nifelhim military bases around the map, unlocking one piece each for the upgrade.

- Fermouth Garrison - Northen Leide
- Aracheole Stronghold - Southeast of Lestallum
- Fort Vaullerey - Southwest of Old Lestallum

3. Once complete a mission called "Into Unkown Frontiers" will unlock

4. Speak to Cindy in Hammerhead to install the parts and you're done

The Regalia Type-F can only fly in Lucis' open world and when it's safe to take off. Don't expect to launch straight into the air like the Highwind from Final Fantasy 7, this launch takes time.

If you thought Final Fantasy XV was amazing to look at while driving around wait till you see the entire world from the air.

Final Fantasy XV is now available for Xbox One and PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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