Ideas for New Videos

General by Demoman on  Jul 06, 2011

I have a few ideas for my next youtube vid and I need help deciding.
I could do a playthrough of several games. I could do one of MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries or Gundam Crossfire. I could also do another Mount&Blade one in the With Fire and Sword expansion. I'd do them in character of course, just like I did with my Barbo the Bandit series.

I could do a boss run on Demon's Souls. In character, or as a commentator giving tips.

I could try to find some interesting Total War replays to commentate one, or try to make a new one

I have been wanting to do a rant on the hot button issue of Knights vs Samurais. Mainly the longsword vs katana debate but possibly spilling over into other weapons.

If I get the chance, I may record a few sparing matches with my friend Jake.

I may rant on some other weapon based things, like if it is better to use a spear overarm or underarm and the merits and demerits of the different types of shield grips (center grip like a viking shield, strapped to the arm like a hoplite's shield).

So I ask NoobFeed, what video would you like to see more?

Andrew Garrett

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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