Interview: Angelica Dawn

Lucinda May from NoobFeed got in touch with Angelica Dawn and discussed video games and cosplaying.

 by Admin on  Nov 15, 2013

Who doesn’t love cosplaying? Especially when it’s done by famous and professional models. This week, we have with us the famous Angelica Dawn also goes by the name Danger Dawn. By profession she is a costume designer and storyteller. But she' most popular and own the heart of millions through cosplaying.

It has been difficult for us to find her free schedule for an interview, but Lucinda May managed to get in touch with her and discussed the following.

Angelica Dawn, Interview, Costume Designer, Storyteller, Model, Cosplaying, Costumes, Ezio, Female Ezio, Amie Lynn

Lola: Tell us a little about yourself.

Angelica: I'm a silly lady born and raised in PHX, AZ

Lola: what made you want to be a cosplayer?

Angelica: Amie Lynn and loving to dress up.

Lola: Did you find it difficult to start cosplaying and building such large amount fans?

Angelica: To start creating yes, but I had my mum here to help in stressful times.

Lola: Who's your favorite character to cosplay as and why? Who would your ultimate cosplay be?

Angelica: My female Assassin or any original design. I love to create.

Angelica Dawn, Interview, Costume Designer, Storyteller, Model, Cosplaying, Costumes, Ezio, Female Ezio, Amie LynnAngelica Dawn, Interview, Costume Designer, Storyteller, Model, Cosplaying, Costumes, Ezio, Female Ezio, Amie Lynn
Angelica Dawn, Interview, Costume Designer, Storyteller, Model, Cosplaying, Costumes, Ezio, Female Ezio, Amie LynnAngelica Dawn, Interview, Costume Designer, Storyteller, Model, Cosplaying, Costumes, Ezio, Female Ezio, Amie Lynn

Lola: What was your initial reaction to seeing people create fan art of you?

Angelica: I'm stoked! I love seeing what people can create! I love art!

Lola: What's the best part of cosplay for you? And what do you think defines a good cosplay?

Angelica: Meeting people and just the fact I get to create.v

Lola: Where do you see the future of cosplaying going?

Angelica: I really don't know. I mean I could have never imagined it being as popular as it is now. I mean I remember being a closet nerd in school or when it slipped out being called weird, but now it's cool. So who knows.

Lola: How "in character" do you get in costume? Like have you ever thrown down a bit of Italian while dressed as Ezio?

Angelica: I never really get into character. It's just so hard at a convention to stay in character. But I admire those that do.

Angelica Dawn, Interview, Costume Designer, Storyteller, Model, Cosplaying, Costumes, Ezio, Female Ezio, Amie LynnAngelica Dawn, Interview, Costume Designer, Storyteller, Model, Cosplaying, Costumes, Ezio, Female Ezio, Amie Lynn

Lola: Do you think the objectification of women in video games is a serious issue, or are people overreacting over something that actually reflects on male characters as well; that as a majority they are masculine and macho?

Angelica: I guess I just chose to ignore it. I mean to each their own right? If you don't like it then don't play it.

Lola: What do you prefer doing; your cosplays or modeling shots?

Angelica: I love cosplays... or anything where I get to create a costume.

Lola: Do you have any interesting projects lined up in the next few months?

Angelica: Yes I do! One with Amie Lynn for this summer. I'm sure as video game season continues and I read more comics I will find more characters I love and want to cosplay.

Lola: Any word of advice for the cosplay enthusiasts?

Angelica: Don't do a costume because it's popular, do it because you love it! Follow your heart!!

Angelica Dawn, Interview, Costume Designer, Storyteller, Model, Cosplaying, Costumes, Ezio, Female Ezio, Amie Lynn

Lola: Will it be too much asking to write something for the readers of NoobFeed on a piece of paper and take a photo of it? Or with anything you want to surprise us.

Angelica: Yes, but not right now. I need to put makeup on I've been working on costumes and watch Doctor Who all morning.

Many thanks to Angelica Dawn for taking the time to talk with us! We look forward to hearing about your upcoming projects and wish you continued success! Keep up with Angelica on Facebook and follow her on Twitter!

Lucinda May, NoobFeed (@ThatDocktorGirl)

Craig Bryan

Admin, NoobFeed

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