Let's cook a hyper energy soup!!!! (For insane!!!)

General by Koshai on  Dec 26, 2009

What we all gamers need is an instant energy food for keeping us playing games 24 hours a day (provided our brains are scrambled or should I say insane). This food is probably suitable for the Angry Cat to keep itself stay awake 24 hours a day and raging everywhere. So in order to make this angry cat the destroyer of the world we need to cook this food. How? Lets see:


We need to make a vegetable soup which is rich in B vitamins, iron and magnesium. To make things faster, just buy it from your nearest store. Next we go for ultimate ingredients. We add 200mg of caffeine from guarana, taurine (amino acids for the body), insane amounts of ginseng (I dont know how much to make someone nocturnal for whole life), gingko biloba (enough to create restlessness side effects). If possible more vitamin B tablets enough to cause nervous disorder (a way to make someone insane).


After we mix everything, we chill the whole soup mixture. Well if we heat the soup, it is possible that the ingredients may evaporate. So for those who wants to prove themselves insane can have this. Sensible people should avoid this soup for only one sensible reason: the soup is cold. For gamers who doesnt take any rest, has no life (like the one featured WOW episode of South Park) and wants to end up dying (because the ingredients are enough to kill), can take this interesting meal (even served cold).


Illidian Stormrage should definitely not want the Angry Cat to have this, or should he. The soup is made to make the cat more angrier and insane so it can be more powerful against its formiddible foe, Illidian. However this soup can also make the cat use up all of its energy, be wasted and end up dying after withdrawal at worse case scenario. Timing is the only factor for Illidian to make the Angry cat have this. First he has to make a deal with the voluptious meow to try to seduce the Angry Cat again!!! (I dont know whether meow will ever seduce the angry cat since she already double crossed earlier). Then she has to offer the killing soup and run away for life. Of course Illidian has to be out of sight so that the angry cat cant catch him. For Illidian Stormrage, it is a masterplan that cant fail.




Rubayyat Akbar

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