Let's Predict Gears 6
What will happen in the next chapter of Gears of War?
by Grayshadow on Sep 12, 2019
Gears 5 ends with a giant, and vexing, cliffhanger. With the Swarm now full bent on killing and mutating all of humanity, those who remain will have to face an uphill battle if they want to survive. So what will happen in the next installment in the Gears of War franchise? Well, let's predict just that. Here are our predictions for Gears 6.
1. A New General
At the end of Gears 5, the player must choose between saving Del or JD. The choice alters the finale of the game. After Reyna kills either JD or Del their body falls underneath the earth. During this same mission, we see that the Swarm are turning the city into a Hive and is likely still doing so even after the Hammer of Dawn turned most of the center into a smoking ruin. It's possible that whoever you decided to die will be turned into a Swarm soldier, most likely a powerful leader considering their importance to the Gears narrative.
If this does happen it's likely that the other person who survived, either Del or JD, will get consumed by guilt. Believing they left their friend die, leading to Kait and maybe even Marcus to stop them from going down this dark path.
2. Kait's Sacrifice
Despite Kait severing her connection to the Swarm, she's still Myrrah's granddaughter. The First Minister attempted to convince Kait to restore her connection to the Hive to Kait's annoyance. It's unlikely this option will be forgotten. My prediction is that Kait will willingly connect back to the Hive and destroy the network from the inside. Her willingness to do so propelled by the death of either JD or Del, and if my first theory is correct, their transformation into a Swarm warrior.
During Act 2, Del asks Kait if she believed that some spark of their original consciousness was present. Kait shoots down this notion but Del believes that some trace of them still exist. What if Kait decides to start believing that and uses that faith to try and destroy the Swarm network and maybe return JD or Del to their original self.
3. Queen Kait
We saw that Kait could control the Swarm and if she does connect to the network, what's stopping her from using the Swarm to attack Reyna's Swarm soldiers? During Kait's connection, before losing control, she was able to aid the people in Oscar's outpost by using the Swarm to attack other Swarm. Perhaps Kait could learn to control the Swarm and use them again Renya.
4. Going Full COG
After such a devastating blow what's stopping the First Minister from forcing certain procedures. We know that Mina Jinn is forceful, direct, and doesn't take things lightly. After losing both the Hammer of Dawn and an entire and central COG settlement it's understandable that she would go to extreme measures. Forcing a draft, getting Kait connected back into the Hive, and other extreme measures. Causing massive infighting among humanities last standing people.
What are your predictions for Gears 6? Let us know in the comments below!
Adam Siddiqui,
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