Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
It was a taste of what to expect from Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, and I want more.
by Grayshadow on Jan 22, 2014
Yesterday Square Enix make the demo for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII public for US gamers. In this short demo we’re introduce to the story’s premise, see some familiar faces, and make some new enemies. Japanese gamers may have had Lightning’s last journey since last year but now it’s our turn to enjoy The Savior’s company.
First off the game looks a lot like the other games in the Final Fantasy XIII series, which isn’t a bad thing. While the environment shown in the demo was dull and lifeless the introductory cutscene was beautiful. Light particles shimmered across the cross, complimented with fabulous character models and flashy attacks. The same stellar voice-acting and well-written music only add more pyre to the already burning flame.
Those who’ve been following Lightning Returns won’t find any new information about the story here. The demo reinforces the same data, the world has been plunged into chaos after the events of Final Fantasy XIII-2; now everyone lives in a calamitous world where time stands still. Lightning, now awaken from her 500 year crystal sleep, has awoken as “The Savior”. A servant of God Lightning’s job is to prevent the end of the world, which will to happen in 13 days.
Lightning is the sole playable character, and outside of combat she can navigate through the terrain by running, jumping, and sliding down poles. The combat system has been refined from the old Paradigm formula.
Lightning can sneak up on enemies for a preemptive strike, causing bonus damage that various based on how effective the attack was. Using real time features Lightning can move freely in the environment and use a new counter-guard feature. While it was limited Lightning could assign four attacks to each of the face buttons for each of the classes that Lightning could shift into. Each attack takes up a portion of the ATB gauge that regenerates over time, even when shifted into a different class.
Changing Lightning’s outfit also shifts her abilities. The demo limits the player to 6 outfits, each that change Lightning within and outside combat. Each class has their own specific strengths and weaknesses, requiring the player to prepare before major encounter; especially since you can only access 3 outfits during a fight. As a cosmetic effect players can change the coloration of Lightning’s outfits.
The demo was very short, only showing some familiar faces and a few dozen fights. I was hoping to player two sections of the game or seem something outside from the trailers that I’ve watch. It was a taste of what to expect from the final product, and I want more.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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