Marvel's Spider-Man - How to Defeat Mr. Negative First Encounter - Spectacular Difficulty
The first fight with Mr. Negative
by Grayshadow on Sep 11, 2018
Grand Central Station is the first time you'll face off against Martin Li, also known as Mr. Negative in Marvel's Spider-Man. This isn't going to be an easy fight, especially on spectacular difficulty, where Martin is much more aggressive. Here's how to defeat Mr. Negative on spectacular difficulty.
The fight plays out the same as other options, only here Martin is faster and more durable. The fight will begin with Martin attempting to fight hand to hand, simply attack and dodge. When he begins to charge a blast dash back to avoid damage.
Next, Martin throwing vertical energy waves at Spider-Man. When his right arm is behind his back he's about to throw the pulse. Avoid it till Martin gets tried. Next, Martin will hurl energy pulses that cover the ground. Martin will open his arms, like a hug motion, before closing them to perform this attack. Press X to leap to the ceiling to avoid these attacks. He'll keep doing this with an increased rate of fire till he depletes his stamina.
When on the next train Martin will start to mix the two attack patterns. Watch his arms to predict which attack. When he's about to perform an AOE blast press triangle to dash forward and attack. Keep up the assault until Martin falls.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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