Meet The Team

Here at NoobFeed we are passionate about what we’re trying to achieve, and doing so requires a team of people that are both talented and aiming towards a common goal.

 by Fishdalf on  Mar 28, 2010

Here at NoobFeed we are passionate about what we’re trying to achieve, and doing so requires a team of people that are both talented and aiming towards a common goal. Each one of us we feel brings a different skill-set to the table, and together we can build something truly special.

Introducing the people that make this website tick…

Full Name: Sarwar Ron
Position: The Boss
Favourite Gaming Console (Current): PC

For last twenty three years I haven’t spent a single day without gaming. It’s been my passion since childhood and I have always had vast interest on gaming and gamers communities. I'm currently studying Masters in Business Administration and it's my final year going. I'm always considered as the most boring person among my friends for not listening to music at all. I love soccer and a fan of Man United. I'm very good at playing basketball and played for the national team couple of years back. Currently, I can't spend too much time with practice for my study and the business I'm looking forward to form.

Favourite Gaming Series
C&C and FIFA have been my most favorite series' for many years now. Not to mention the Call of Duty series. To me, it's still the world’s best first-person shooter. A city building simulation called Caesar is also a favorite, though the quality of it has been decreasing with each release.

Favourite Gaming Console (All Time)
What is your favourite console of all time? I'm a strategy games freak, so PC all the way. I could never afford to buy any other console after my PS2 broke down.

Full Name: Craig Bryan
Position: Chief Editor
Favourite Gaming Console (Current): PlayStation 3

I’ve been playing video games since back on the Commodore 64, when I first encountered a game called Red Ant, and since then I’ve had a thirst for more. If I’m not playing games I’m writing about them, or talking about them in various ways. I’m a very self-motivated person and have always strived to do better, and one of my lifelong ambitions is to see this website flourish into one that I, and indeed my colleagues can be proud of, and allow us to share our passion and knowledge with others.

Favourite Gaming Series 
I love a lot of games and a lot of gaming series, but Pro Evolution Soccer is one of those games I can play no matter what the mood. It’s also the series I’ve dedicated the most time to throughout my entire gaming experience.

Favourite Gaming Console (All Time)
Every time I think of the Nintendo 64 I get that overwhelming feeling of nostalgia, and I don’t think I have a single bad memory of my time with it. The pinnacle for me would have to be the crazy four-player sessions I would have on Mario Kart 64 as a child.

Full Name: Domen Kert
Position: Community Manager               
Favourite Gaming Console (Current): PlayStation 3

I am a very complex person. Whatever I do I try doing perfectly, or near perfect, as perfection is impossible. I spend a lot of time on the computer, even though I'm a sportsman and have been training volleyball for the past five years and all sorts of sports throughout my whole life. I started playing tennis with my father when I was three years old. Sports aside, I love being creative on the internet, whether it's games, or more preferably, business ideas and all connected to it. I enjoy communicating with people around the world, business or pleasure alike.

Favourite Gaming Series
I have been into the Splinter Series from its beginning. I adore Sam Fisher and company. I find it very relaxing and enjoyable playing the series. I’d say stealth genre is my favorite. Too bad there aren’t more of stealth-based games.

Favourite Gaming Console (All Time)
I have had a PlayStation 2 for a long time now and it’s my favorite because I have only had this one and because, basically, with this console you didn’t need to buy any new hardware for almost a decade. It’s amazing.

Full Name: Dragan Dobric
Position: Admin
Favourite Gaming Console (Current): PC

I'm outgoing, love to have fun, and enjoy video games. Besides video games, which I have grown up with since I got my Super Nintendo at the age of 6, I have a passion for football and many other sports. Overall, I like to think of myself as laid back and loving it.

Favourite Gaming Series
Definitely have to say Diablo. Ever since Diablo 1 came out on the PlayStation, I was hooked. Diablo II on the PC had me glued to the screen for 2 years straight. I don't what it is about this series exactly, but I would have to say it’s a combination of Blizzard's amazing story telling and their skill in providing an unlimited amount of enjoyable gameplay. When I think about it, though, it was the story that gripped me, and continues to hold me in anticipation for Diablo III.

Favourite Gaming Console (All Time)
What is your favourite console of all time? Would have to say the Computer. It just provides a lot of (in my opinion) advantages in gaming over the consoles. I suppose it's the personalization and expansion of the gaming experience in terms of hardware and software that can be combined with a game to make it more enjoyable.

Full Name: David Gabriel
Position: Writer
Favourite Gaming Console (Current): PlayStation 3

What's up, I'm David. You may know me by my NoobFeed username, azn_pride. I'm one of the writers for the site, providing you the latest gaming news every week, and some occasional reviews on the side, as well. I love video games, and obviously enjoy writing and talking about them pretty much every day. I prefer role-playing games and platformers, but lately I’ve taken great interests in shooters and action/adventure games, as well.

Favourite Gaming Series
Final Fantasy is, by far, my favorite game series of all time. My other favorites include Jak & Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Super Mario, Command & Conquer Red Alert, God of War, and the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona series.

Favourite Gaming Console (All Time)
I don’t really have a favorite gaming console of all time, but if it came down to it, it would be between the PlayStation 2 and the Nintendo Entertainment System. The PlayStation 2 is pretty much the best-selling console of all time; in my opinion, not even the Nintendo Wii can top the impact the latter did in terms of sales and how many people were brought into gaming as a result. As for the NES, it’s pretty much a precious childhood memory, as I was exposed into video games during that time. I played a lot of Super Mario Bros., Battle City, among others.

Full Name: Ian Mailloux
Position: Writer
Favourite Gaming Console (Current): Xbox 360

I'm a Canadian college student and I'll be finishing up my journalism diploma program in the spring of 2010. I would love to write for a living about things I enjoy, including video games, so NoobFeed is a good start. I'm a big sports fan, mainly following Toronto FC of Major League Soccer and the Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League. I've been a gamer since the late '90s, beginning with the PC, Game Boy Colour and the original PlayStation. I now own several other handhelds and consoles, the most recent being the Xbox 360.

Favourite Gaming Series
Metroid. This series was one of the first to introduce a strong female lead character and it's also known for the high quality of the handful of titles released. My favourite single game of all-time is Metroid Prime, as it beautifully translates the atmosphere of the older entries into 3D, giving you that feeling that you are completely alone on this deserted planet. I think the whole series speaks to that concept, but Prime was the first to translate that for current gaming audiences (as it was the first Metroid title in eight years).

Favourite Gaming Console (All Time)
PC. I grew up playing PC games before I ever owned a console. Personal favourites were Chip's Challenge, Need for Speed II and the NHL and Madden NFL series. One reason why the PC is my favourite is that you can play games from any era. If I wanted to play a console game from 1997, I'd have to pull out a console from two generations ago. If I wanted to play a PC game from '97, however, all I have to do is boot it up. As a result, the game library on a PC is never-ending.

Full Name: Logan Smithson
Position: Writer
Favourite Gaming Console (Current): PlayStation 3

Growing up, I always had video games around me, so as far back as I can remember I had a SNES controller in my hand. As I got older and discovered the magical thing called Internet, I got more and more into gaming by reading reviews and talking to people with similar interests on the forums. As time went on, I wanted to make my own reviews similar to the ones I was reading. I worked my way from typing one sloppy paragraph about a game, to being a part of the Noobfeed writing team. My world, however, doesn't revolve around gaming. Games take a backseat to my true passion: sports. I am constantly keeping up with the latest in the sports world (particularly basketball and football), and I've always been active in playing whatever sport I can.

Favourite Gaming Series
Without a doubt, I'd give this one to Metal Gear Solid. I was very young when I played the original, and we had already entered the PS2/Gamecube/Xbox era of gaming, but I went back after I got a copy of MGS from a friend of a parent. It was truly unlike anything else I had ever played. I had never been so engaged by a storyline in a game, and few movies could even touch the level MGS did for me. Everything seemed perfect; the stealth gameplay was just as good as the story. The set pieces and boss battles were so memorable, even at such a young age I could tell that game was something special. I got the second game for free also, from my uncle who didn't play the game anymore. I was almost as blown away by the sequel as I had been by the original.

Favourite Gaming Console (All Time)
PlayStation 2. Now the N64 almost takes the cake, but I feel the PS2 had just a few more amazing titles than the N64 did. Maybe it's because this when I really started to get into gaming, but the PS2 will always hold a special place with me. I had built up a collection of over 100 games (although it's probably less now because of the ones I regretfully sold for a few bucks) and to name of few of the absolute best: ESPN NFL 2K5, the Grand Theft Auto games, the Metal Gear Solid games, Guitar Hero I and II, God of War I and II, Star Wars Battlefront, Final Fantasy X, Tekken, Gran Turismo, so many great memories.

Full Name: Ilias Tsetsekos
Position: Writer
Favourite Gaming Console (Current): PlayStation 3

Hello everyone. I’m Ilias, 32 years old, born, living (but hopefully not gonna die) in Athens and a Christian Orthodox. I love music, gaming and football with a passion. 'Nuff said.

Favourite Gaming Series
Traditionally, I like playing strategy games, sports and music rhythm. I wouldn’t say no to a good FPS game, with action and RPG elements in it. As for game series, I must definitely mention the following among my favourite of all times: Command & Conquer series, Red Alert, Wing Commander series, Guitar Hero series, Rock Band series, Pro Evolution Soccer, Football Manager series (I'm sure I'm forgetting many at the moment).

Favourite Gaming Console (All Time)
What is your favourite console of all time? I will never ever forget my first gaming console; it was like the first love. That Commodore 64 that my uncle got me for a Christmas present is the reason you’re reading this. I will never forget the first game I played, it was Green Berret.

Full Name: Tim Kroninger
Position: Writer
Favourite Gaming Console (Current): Xbox 360

Hey, my name is Tim. I'm a senior in high school who can't wait to graduate in a couple of months. I'll be graduating in the top ten in my class with a 4.19 GPA, and I'll be attending the Honors College at Michigan State University next year to start studying pre-med. The Xbox 360 is my main videogame system, and I have an unhealthy addiction to Modern Warfare 2 -- as I'm writing this, my playtime is well over ten days. As you may have guessed, I enjoy writing videogame reviews and news, and recently received the Top 100 Reviewer emblem on GameSpot (my username there is msudude211) as well as having one of my reviews featured on Giant Bomb. I'm a busy guy (and a bit lazy, too), but you'll find me hanging around the site whenever I'm not studying... or playing Modern Warfare 2!

Favourite Gaming Series
My favorite series would have to be the Call of Duty games. Between Call of Duty 3, World at War, and Call of Duty 4, I've logged countless hours playing online... too many hours, actually. That's why I can't wait for Modern Warfare 2 to come out - I even pre-ordered that insane edition with the NVGs.

Favourite Gaming Console (All Time)
The 360, no doubt. Though I've enjoyed other consoles, the amount and quality of the games on the 360 are unparalleled.

Craig Bryan

Managing Editor, NoobFeed

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