Megaman 10 Special Stages Revealed

Games by FetusZero on  Mar 22, 2010

As with the 9th installment, Megaman 10 will harbour some nice downloadable content for the fans. While many have already heard of Bass being added as a playable character through DLC, Capcom-Unity decided to reveal the Special Stages DLC this afternoon.

The Special Stages are placed under the Time Attack mode of the game where you must try and finish a stage as fast as you can to earn a decent spot on the leaderboards. Every stages of the game are available under this mode, as well as the new Special Stages they add as additional content that you can purchase. The Special Stages are set to release throughout the month of April at a very interesting price of $1.00 on PlayStation Store, 80 Microsoft Points on Live Arcade and 100 Wii Points on WiiWare each, which is a bargain if you ask me considering a lot of the multiplayer games release 2-3 maps priced in between $5.00 and $10.00 and now, we get 3 entirely new stages with new bosses for as low as $3.00. Last year, we received a new Robot Master called Fakeman in the Special Stage of MM9, but this time around, some less known characters are making the list for these 3 stages; The Megaman Killers from the GameBoy titles. Of course, not all of them make the list, but at least we get 3 Killers.

MM10 Enker
RKN-001 (Rockman Killer Number): Enker

Enker was created by Dr. Wily for a sole purpose: The destruction of Megaman. The first of the Megaman Killers will be the boss for Special Stage 1 which is due to release in the week of April 5th. Enker appeared in the game Megaman: Dr. Wily's Revenge which was, as previously mentioned, for the GameBoy system. According to the description given, the stage is said to have a variety of spike hazards in an attempt to prevent Megaman from reaching his destination.

MM10 Punk
RKN-002: Punk

Punk is set to be the boss of Special Stage 2 which is due to release in the week of April 26th. As with Enker, he was built to destroy Megaman, though he was designed to be bigger than Enker in size. While it is thought out that people will rush through the stage since it is in Time Attack mode, it is recommended to watch your step not to be blown away by the Parabombs who might just surprise you in your greatest leaps, making this life hell for you.

MM10 Ballade
RKN-003: Ballade

And lastly, Ballade, who is the third Megaman Killer created after Enker and Punk, made his way as the boss in Special Stage 3, also due to release in the week of April 26th. Ballade has high esteem of himself and is never ready to give up, even when his life depends on it. He can be lethal in his enermous and powerful jumps, which only suits well in a stage filled with traps and conveyor belts, the perfect recipe for fast decision making as you ar ebeing pushed to your death constantly.

Well that's it for the upcoming DLC of Megaman 10 which I will personally galdly purchase, same as I purchased all of Megaman 9's additional content. I dfon't think there is any word of whether the DLC will add Trophies and Achievements, though this will in no way influence my choice. With or without them, Megaman remains my favorite franchise and I'm looking forward to battling some of the well-known bosses within the community whom I hardly ever got to fight due to the rarity of these games and my refusal to play them if I can't own a real copy myself. One day though, I will. I still remain confident that Capcom should of released that Megaman Anniversary Collection for GameBoy Advance which was intended to have all 5 games from the GameBoy era.

Until a next time, may everyone be happy and in love with themselves, because loving ourselves is a good step towards loving the others.. unless they're Megaman Killers, that is.

Pascal Fetuszero

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