Metal Gear Solid V - Plot Twisting Easter Egg
Some easter eggs are more than fun unlocks
by Grayshadow on Sep 06, 2015
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is full of exciting easter eggs for those willing to look. Some feature interesting unlocks, however this one introduces something massive to the plot. If you head to the medical platform, on the third floor you’ll find a blue with a guard and a blue light.
Spoilers ahead, you’ve been warned
Big Boss discovers that Paz survived the events from Ground Zeroes. At the end of the main story mission Paz steps off the helicopter trying to save everyone on board from the second bomb inside her. However this isn’t true, Snake was able to predict that two bombs were hidden inside her and have them removed. When Paz fell into the ocean an enemy helicopter fired a RPG, destroying Snake’s Gunship.
Miller and Ocelot recovered Paz from the ocean, but now suffers from amnesia. Unable to coup with the painful experiences of her life Paz thinks it’s 1974 and she’s a simply student without any knowledge of Cipher or Skull Face. She’ll disregard any information that conflicts with her current state. When Snake tries to bring up the bomb Paz has a sudden panic attack before returning to her innocent persona.
Snake can retrieve more intel to jog her memories throughout the course of the game, whereas Miller has given up hope.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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