Microsoft elaborates on Xbox One's Kinect concerns
News by Grayshadow on Jun 07, 2013
Microsoft has elaborated on how to maintain their own personal privacy when using Xbox One's motion-sensing Kinect camera.
"You are in control of what Kinect can see and hear: by design, you will determine how responsive and personalized your Xbox One is to you and your family during setup." You decide on the privacy options and determine what data is being used, and if your Xbox One is on while your within the room anything you're doing or saying is not being recorded or uploaded.
Microsoft also added that the Kinect can be disabled at any time during the console's operation, although certain games will require it to be one. "You can play games or enjoy applications that use data, such as videos, photos, facial expressions, heart rate and more, but this data will not leave your Xbox One without your explicit permission".
Source: Xbox
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