My top 5 comic heroes
Opinion by Vegetaali on Oct 18, 2010
Hi everyone, I've been gone for a while now so sorry for that. I was really busy with college and other stuff. So here is a cool blog for everyones interest. :D
I thought of giving this blog for a while now after reading one of my friends LimitBreak's blog. So here goes...
5. Iron Man: He was once my favourite hero but now he is at number 5.
4. Wolverine: Believe me you don't want to mess with me BHUB...!!! :twisted: :P
3. Ice Man and Humen Torch: Both of them are at number 3 because they both are cool and equals as far as I think. :D
2. Batman: This guy.... is simply AWESOME!! and believe me I really want to be like him totally. Though I lioke darkness so I guess I'm like him.
Now for number 1.... and I know you all know already because I'm such a crazy fan like I told you all in my earlier blogs :P. I really had hard time choosing Batman as number one or him but I guess he is always been special for me so.... here he is... 8)
1. Spiderman: Yup! the one and only SPIDERMAN!!! OH MAN I'M GETTING THAT SPIDERMAN FEELING AGAIN :?. Its better to get anidot before I get that AMAZING SPIDERMAN feeling agian and get bit by another spider :P. SO there is your friendly neighbor hood SPIDERMAN and also my favourite superhero.
Well my next blog will be "Top 5 anime heroes of mine" and that I will give TOMORROW! :D. Yeah I know I'm the man. 8) :P
Well laterz guys, bye and takecare. ;)
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