Naruto UNS review

Games by Vegetaali on  Sep 08, 2010

Hi there everyone! :D. I sure hope you all are doing great and are fully happy :). I'm gonna give a review on Naruto UNS but before that I will tell you all some boring adventures of mine that are occurring in my life now a days :P. Well first of all my college is going good but very very tiring as well :?. You don't know how much tired I get when I come home and the fast is killing me all the time so I just go to sleep after comming home. Well now the fasting is going to end soon so no worries and plus college is closed and we got 5 holidays! :D. I'm getting along with teachers well and a few of them are really funny :P. More I will tell you in my next blog that will be given TOMARROW!! :D yup! like I told you guys its marathon. :D

Well today my dumb bus driver droped me far from my home and when I asked him to drop me near my home he said that he had no time because he had more students to pic soon and he was very late... -_-... I just wonder why does this always happens with me... well I had my fuel so no worries! :D All I needed were my headphones in my ear and my songs running 8), but fate decided something else for me today and it wasn't really great at all. :?

One of my classmate just stoped me asked me that he would drop me home,

Me: No thanks I will go on own.

Mate: Why is there a problem with me? Do you see two heads on me?

Me: Very funny... -_-... I need to go now...

I was on my way happily but then he was so persistance he came after me on his motor bike.

Mate: Comon I will drop you home on my cool motor bike!!

Me: Show off.... just leave me alone...

Mate: Will you just get on the bike...

Me: Fine!! as you wish... but no playing around and don't even think about driving fast.

Mate: OK...

Well I got on his bike and it was the worst mistake I could have ever made in my life... :cry:

Mate: Hold tight!!

Me: HEY! I SAID SlOoOoOo.. :o

He just did a jump stunt with his motor bike and nearly saved my self from falling down. :?

Me: Hey I could have gotten hurt by your stupid stunt...!! :evil:

Mate: Don't care :lol:

Me: Believe me you have no idea who your messing with...

Mate: Yeah I don't have and I don't care. :lol:

His laughing was making me soooo angry.... I was going to push him off the motor bike... :evil:. What was even worst was that he went into high speed and on traffic street and I really got scared then... :?

Me: Slow down before you get us both killed!!

Mate: Nop! can't do that...

Me: Are you crazy???

Mate: SURE AM!!! :D

Me: GOD WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MY SELF INTO...!!! ;( (Speed of motor bike increasing rapidly and reached about 120 km/h

Me: Please slow down man... we really could end up dead like this...

Mate: Oh yeah... then say that you loved my bike and you love my driving style.

Me: What! certainly not!!

Mate: Then deal with it!!

Me: Nooo... ok ok just slow down please I love your bike and your driving... now please slow down...

Mate: OK!

At that point I couldn't even open up my eyes it was so fast but then suddenlly a speed breaker came infront of us and I shouted to watch out a speed breaker!! and he lost control him self... and we jumped from the breaker into the mid air with the bike... for a minute there I thought it was the end for me and I really got sad that I was going to die so soon... but I don't know how or what happened but he got balance on the motor bike again and he landed safely and I never ended up the way I was thinking about... and then he said to me

Mate: What? you think I started driving yesterday?? I'm great at these things so don't worry a bit you will be safe home in no time.

I was so scared that I couldn't even talk back to him and so I reached home after this stupid adventure and I just said one thing to him... I'm never ever.... riding with you again in my life... and beleived me my face was full white with fear at that time :P. Well I can tell now how much stupid things are going to happen with me this year. :?

Well enough of that now its time for the review now! :D



I think many of you know about Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm which was released in late 2008 as a PS3 exclusive. Many fans were dedicated to the game and were excited just like me. It was based on the anime Naruto and the story was taken from it. It was a sequel from NamcoBandai which was making Naruto games previously for the PS2.


The story starts from the start of the great Naruto adventure where he tries hard to become a ninja and starts training under Kakashi' squad as a member of team 7. It had 4 story arcs in total and each story arc had 10 battles or less or more I don't really remember that right now. Well I hated the story mode as simple I can say, they really sucked because for every story mission we had to complete the side scroll missions and they really sucked bad... They weren't worth playing. I also really hated the story mode for one of my own reason as well. I don't know why but my stupid game never had any type of dialogues in it, I just selected the battle and then instead of any dialogues or drama the battle just started suddenly... -_-.. I don't know if it only happened with me or if it happened with everyone but it was really annoying. I also never couldn't install the downloadable content in the game which sucked even more... :evil:


Gameplay was very simple for anyone to understand. Its a 3D fighting game like Dragon Ball Z budokai tenkaichi 3. We build up chakra and then use special moves and ultiamte jutsu's and use our combos against the enemy to beat him/her. The gameplay is interesting and frankly it was the only thing in the game which really made me a fan of the game. I liked the 3D ****gameplay which most game aren't good at except Dragon ball Z but this one is also has a great 3D fighting engine.

Adventure Mode:

Like I said before highly broken adventure which has no real taste simple... its tasteless. We are given the Konah village which actually have no place where we could have some fun or anything like mini games or something like in Broken Bond. There is also no other place then Konah to explore as well. There are no side quest as well only jumping around the trees and running on trees which is quite fun in the begging but gets dumb later because of the same thng repeating again and again.


The graphics of the game were good and I liked it at the point that they were really much like the anime but still like I said last time in Broken Bond review that the colors were weak and like half coated.943434_11072008_790screen004.jpg



The real bad things:

One of the other things I hated was that it was really hard to hit the enemy with the ultimate jutsu in the game, for exaple for Neji his jutus 8 trigrams 64 palms is the most stupid one because the enemy is sooo far aways alwas from us and Neji has its range for the ultimate jutsu to work which is really less range. Repeative combos are also a little problem which can bore you later and way simple to use... just press O to hit with the combination of analoge up, right, left or down which is kinda like childs play no challenging.

The real good things:

The real amazing stuff in the game were the ultimate jutsu's which were greatly cinematic and were awesome the real big point of the game. And also I loved the ogis as well which were great also like chidori and Rasangan. The music was also a big plus point in the game which was really great and namco always have great music in games.

Over All:

The game was great but not as great as Broken Bond but still fun to play and highly recomended for any fan to play it. Most of the gaming websites gave it an 7.5 which is a fair rating for the game but still I'm such a nice guy and pure hearted I'll give it an 8. :)


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