Nintendo Direct E3

News by Grayshadow on  Jun 11, 2013

Earlier this year Nintendo decided to produce more Nintendo Direct announcements instead of having a huge E3 presentation. Today Nintendo decided to showcase the game releases for the upcoming year.


Satoru Iwata, CEO of Nintendo of America, welcomed viewers to the presentation and showcase the latest trailer of Pokemon X and Y, revealing a new Pokemon fairy type that will be super-effective against Dragon-types. New Pokemon, like Sylveon, as well as old ones like Jigglypuff, Marill, and Gardevoir are currently announced to be Fairy-types. Both versions of the game will feature 'Pokemon-amie' that allows users to tickle their Pokemon to increase your friendship with them, similar to Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance's Dream Eater system. Pokemon X and Y will be releasing this October 12.

You cannot have a Nintendo Direct E3 announcement without having something to do with the the Mushroom Kingdom. A new trailer of Mario's latest adventure, Super Mario World 3D World, for Wii U has been revealed for December 12. Similar to Super Mario 3D Land the game will feature mechanics familiar to that title, as well as New Super Mario Bros like the rotating walkway. New elements include a transparent warp-tube, a new cat power-up that allows mario to power-dive and climb up walls, and a water-dragon Yoshi. Players will be able to play as Mario, Luigi, Toad, and Princess Peach who all sport their own special abilities like Luigi's high jump, Toad's speed, and Peach's hover.


Although Mario's new adventure was shown, it wasn't the last game featuring the legendary plumber in action. Nintendo also revealed Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U. This new additional to the battle kart franchise will be releasing on Spring 2014. The trailer showcased new locations and a new Kart form that allows players to traverse walls and upside down roads. According to Iwata the game will be introduced a refined multiplayer mode, no other data was given.

Wii Party U was introduced by Iwata, featuring 80 mini-games and table mini-games for just the gamepad. The title will allow users to use their Mii to play through the title. However Iwata went on to explain that Wii Party U and Wii fit U have been delayed.


Iwata explained his desire to give users new software for Art Academy to allow players access tools to create new works of art using better tools. Iwata explained that the new software will be released on the Wii U and allow users to post their creations on the Miiverse for others to see. Currently color-pencils were the only new additional revealed for Art Academy.

Of course Nintendo values their third-party developers and took the time to highlight their contributions to their hardware. A trailer showing Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, Batman: Arkham Origins, Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate, Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut, Disney Infinity, Just Dance 2014, Rayman Legends, Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comic Adventure, Disney Planes, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Skylanders SWAP Force, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Sonic Lost World, and Watch_Dogs were announced to come to Nintendo's systems.


Indie developers were not left out of the mix. Iwata showed new additionals coming to the Nintendo eShop that include Ballpoint Universe, Cloudberry Kingdom, Coaster Crazy Deluxe, DuckTales: Remastered, Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara, Mutant Mudds Deluxe, Oddworld: New 'N' Tasty, Scram Kitty & His Buddy on Rails, Shovel Knight, Spin the Bottle: Bumpie's Party, and A World of Keflings.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD remake for the Wii U made an appearance. The new trailer illustrated the new graphical update to this Gamecube title with better lighting and resolution. The gameplay has remained the same as the classic game back in 2003. Iwata explained that new updates to traveling speed, but didn't say what it was, and a new mechanic that allows users to talk and share photos to other players on the Miiverse using the Tingle Bottle. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD is coming this October.


The Wonderful 101 from Platinum Games was shown. Iwata explained the unite mode power, which will be central to the game, allowing players to use the Gamepad to transfomr their heroes into powerful weapons. By playing through the title players gain new powers such as unite guns and giant worm for evading. Up to five player can play and lead their own group of heroes. The Wonderful 101 will launch on September 15.

Donkey King made his debut at the Nintendo Direct announcement for his new title on the Wii U called Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze coming this November. Similar to Donkey Kong Country returns, Donkey Kong's home have been taken over by Vikings and must save his home to find allies from other islands. New dynamic camera elements allow the player to track Donkey Kong as he shifts from one area to another using barrels. However Diddy won't be the only playable character in this adventure, Dixie Kong will be playable as well and will have the ability to fly up into the air.


Bayonetta 2 was elaborated on during the announcement. Iwata revealed the new trailer from Platinum games showing Bayonetta sports a new, shorter, haristyle but still fights with the same exotic flare. Afterwards came actual gameplay showing Bayonetta performing insane combos using her hair and fighting giant monsters. Bayonetta 2 will be launching in 2014.

Monolith Soft new trailer for something called X was advertised with glorious environments and large mechs.. Coming to Wii U in 2014 that will allow users to explore "a large-scale open world that players can explore seamlessly". Monolith is know for their pervious title Xenoblade Chronicles.


The announcement's final game was a big one, Super Smash Bros. coming 2014. Mario, Kirby, Link, Samus, Fox, Pit, DK, and Pikachu were shown fighting it out on both the 3DS and Wii U on Nintendo themed stages using new regular and special attacks. But then The Villager, from Animal Crossing, made an appearance using his signature animations he is known for. But that wasn't the only new character shown, the original Megaman will join the fight against Nintendo's greatest heroes and villains.

While the Wii U didn't sell as well as Nintendo hoped it would it seems that they've listened to the fans and are bringing new games that will encouraging sales. Popular titles such as Mario Kart and Super Mario will entice long-term fans of Nintendo's legacy and new titles like The Wonderful 101 should encourage those seeking something fresh.

Source: Nintendo Direct

Adam Siddiqui
, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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