NoobFeed Overtime: Personal Steam Sale Recommendations
Games by Degtyarev on Jul 03, 2011
In addition to the daily round-ups of the Steam Summer Sale that you can find in the News section, I've decided to personally recommend a few games that can be picked up at discount prices for the entire duration of the sales. Note that the following games may also be featured as daily sales in the future and drop in price even more.
Cryostasis: €4,99 (-50%)
This game is highly recommendable IF you have a very good computer. Cryostasis doesn't support multicore rendering, so it's bound to run slow even on high-end computers. NVidia cards are also recommended (though not required) due to the high amount of PhysX in this game. Technical stuff aside, Cryostasis is a slow-paced, eerie survival horror FPS that has some magnificent storytelling to complement its already superb plot, making the likes of BioShock look superficial. The game does have a couple of issues, but at under €5, who cares? Read my review for a full analysis of the game.
F.E.A.R. Collection: €9.99 (-50%)
In my humble opinion, the first F.E.A.R. game and its expansions are among the most essential modern shooters, revolutionising combat AI and offering some incredibly good pacing and smart (though very linear) level design. F.E.A.R. 2 and its Reborn DLC weren't quite as good, but they still made for a very worthwhile single player FPS experience, something which - believe it or not - is becoming evermore rare. So at under 10 euros, the FEAR Collection is a very good deal for those craving for some excellent FPS campaigning. Especially the first F.E.A.R. is very old, sure, but even now it's an enthralling and captivating experience that no fan of the genre should skip.
FUEL: €6,02 (-33%)
I realise that I am in the minority when I say I love FUEL, but nevertheless I would still like to urge you to try it out. Not to mention that, at a little over 6 euros, it's a downright steal. The problematic racing AI and physics may be bothersome at times, but with some great track design, solid driving mechanics and a huge amount of content, you're gonna get your money's worth. FUEL also has the biggest open world in a racing game ever (14.000 square kilometres), so if you can't get into the racing, you'll probably end up spending enough time just wandering across the vast terrain to justify its low price tage.
Again, you can read my review for this game if you want to know all the details.
Metro 2033: €6,69 (-33%)
Another game for the 'super computers only' category, Metro 2033 is an exciting single player-only first person shooter that takes place in the Moscow subway system after nuclear disaster rendered life above-ground impossible. Some will call it the love child of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Call of Duty, but with its intelligent morality system and quality storytelling, Metro 2033 is pretty unique. At under 7 euros, it's also a downright steal.
Also check out our review on the game, written by Buckley.
Rainbow Six Gold: €3,74 (-25%)
Yes, Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield and its expansion Athena Sword are old as hell (2003 and 2004 respectively, IIRC), BUT, if you can get around 3 friends to join you in online co-op, you're guaranteed to have some of the best fun you'll ever have online. Now that the game is under 4 euros, you'll have a pretty good chance of finding a few friends willing to cough up the money, especially since it will run on pretty much any system. The single player is worth it, too, as the Rainbow Six series soon became arcadised (in lack of a better term), and there never was a true heir to its crown of kickass tactical combat.
Enjoy your summer!
Jesse Dolman, NoobFeed.
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