omg its all still here O_O

Other by Nightember on  Jun 16, 2014

3 Years later.

 and its all still here, my profile, the old site, and well hopefully all the great people ive missed. its been a long long time, and a lots happened, but as i've always promised, i have returned again.

I don't even know where to begin, so ill just hold off on everything and start with some gamer stuff. for starters, who here has some 3ds friend codes to throw up here, and owns animal crossing or pokemon y? ive been addicted to both lately, but my friends list is so barren ^_^; 

ive been thinkin a lot about this place for well months now, and since ive found myself living in a motel with shotty internet, figured i would finally come visit, not sure how long ill be able to stick around, everything right now is well to be honest, complete chaos, but at least while im here in this motel, i wanted to come back to my original family and chill with ya as long as i can again :)

Jorn Schiller

, NoobFeed

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