Overwatch All of Brigitte's Abilities
What abilities does Brigitte have?
by Grayshadow on Mar 01, 2018
Brigitte was confirmed today as the latest hero to join Overwatch. Equipped with flail and shield Brigitte resembles her teacher Reinhardt but they're very different. Reinhardt is meant to absorb damage while Brigitte is meant to support her team with a series of buffs.
Here are all of Brigitte's abilities.
Brigitte’s melee weapon has an extended range, enabling her to strike multiple enemies with a single swing.
Ability 1: REPAIR PACK
Brigitte throws a Repair Pack that can heal an ally. Any healing over that ally’s maximum health provides them with armor instead.
Ability 2: WHIP SHOT
Brigitte throws her flail a long distance, dealing damage and knocking an enemy away from her.
Brigitte deploys a frontal energy barrier to absorb a limited amount of damage.
Ability 4: SHIELD BASH
Once her Barrier Shield is deployed, Brigitte can dash forward to stun an enemy. Perfect for knocking down heroes such as Genji and Doomfist.
Passive: INSPIRE
When Brigitte hits enemies with her flail, she also heals nearby allies over time. Important to keep allies close.
Ultimate Ability: RALLY
Brigitte moves faster and provides all nearby allies with armor that lasts until it’s removed by damage. Allies will not move faster.
Overwatch is now available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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