Resident Evil Village Moreau Hidden Treasure Location - Wolfsbane Magnum

Wolfsbane Magnum location

 by Grayshadow on  May 11, 2021

The Wolfsbane Magnum is one of the most powerful weapons in the game and can be obtained after killing Moreau. Here's how to grab this weapon.

Resident Evil Village,NoobFeed,

After killing Monreau you'll have access to the crank. When exiting the windmill you have 2 directions, the left side takes you back to the village but the right side takes you to a new location. Here you'll fight a variety of enemies as you climb the hill. The final house is where the weapon is but the door is locked. Instead, head to the back and crawl through the hole in the back of the house. Kill the enemy inside and grab the item but you'll encounter a hybrid lycan which your new magnum will 

Adam Siddiqui,
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