Should You Play Mirror’s Edge Before Mirror's Edge Catalyst?

Is the original Mirror's Edge worth playing before Catalyst releases?

 by Grayshadow on  Feb 11, 2016

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is a prequel to the cult classic Mirror’s Edge. While receiving average scores Mirror’s Edge was a hit, the parkour gameplay and Faith herself were hits among gamers. While it took over 8 years before another game was developed should gamers jump into Catalyst before playing Mirror’s Edge?

Mirror's Edge,Catalyst,Noobfeed,EA,DICE,

First off Mirror’s Edge did have some issues, many centered on the gameplay and story. At the first the game makes strides in an attempt to highlight an oppressed world where people live in constant fear. This image of a heartless world never manifest, with most of the context coming from small text messages on the displays in the elevators. 

Another major issue was combat. Where most of the game gave players to option to choose lethal or non-lethal options this choice was removed in the later half of the game. Faith now is encouraged, and sometimes forced, into poorly constructed shooting galleries. In game centered on free-running gunning down adversaries seemed very out of place.

Of course this doesn’t mean that Mirror’s Edge should be ignored. Catalyst has been developed to center on the strengths of the original game, as I experienced at NYC Comic-Con running, evading and performing exotic moves while in motion are the focus of Faith’s arsenal. Faith cannot use guns, a new open world gives the player options, and more emphasis has been put into expanding the story of Mirror’s Edge in Catalyst.

Mirror's Edge,Noobfeed,EA,DICE,

It sounds like players should ignore Mirror’s Edge and jump straight into Catalyst, well you shouldn’t. Mirror’s Edge offers an introduction of what you can expect from Catalyst. Immediately when jumping into Catalyst all the major aspects of Mirror’s Edge immediately became apparently such as the bright colors highlight significant points and the free-running mechanics.

Jumping into Catalyst after playing Mirror’s Edge not only gives you a gameplay advantage but a better understanding of Faith. Yes, Mirror’s Edge’s story was shallow but can serve as an adequate introduction to basic elements of the Mirror’s Edge lore. You’ll have a better appreciation for Faith and her cause. 

If you plan to pick up Catalyst you should try Mirror’s Edge beforehand. Not only will it give you an appreciation for all the new updates but provide insight on background of the world and an introduction to the gameplay mechanics of Mirror’s Edge. If you’re planning to jump into the next installment of Mirror’s Edge you should play the original game first, you’ll be glad you did.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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