Single Yet Again
General by David_D on Aug 18, 2010
Well I am single again, woke up from a nap today after working early to a text being dumped because she decided she doesn't want a relationship right now. So I went over there, got what few things I had there, left the key and now I'm back at home doing the single guy thing again. It sucks but better now than later down the road when I would have been really hurt. Nothing women do when it comes to relationships surprises me anymore so I'm just going to do the only thing I can do, which is move on and make the most of the things I still do have in my life. Everything is unpacked and the gaming station is back up as well and I'd be lieing if I didn't admit it does feel pretty good to be back where I'm most comfortable, which is alone. Probably will pick back up the drinking thing as well since I've always been able to depend on that for a good time a few times a month and have plans already to go out Friday night to the bar and go to a party with my older brother on Saturday night.
One thing this relationship did teach me though is that I was spending entirely too much time online and that is something I will not be going back to doing. Of course being single will mean I will probably be on here more than I have been the last few months, but I also don't want a life of living online and will be limiting myself to how much time I spend on here and make sure to keep getting out of the house and being active more instead of sitting in my room whenever I am not working, sleeping or doing housework like I was before. So tonight I am going to be doing some laundry and continuing my trophy hunting, because to be honest I just don't feel like being online tonight for more than giving everyone an update so they don't get too surprised when they do start seeing me around on a more regular basis again. For now though I have a lot of gaming to do over the next few months and that will be my main focus since I want to get my trophies a lot more cleaned up before really moving on to anymore new games. Tonight it will be Red Dead Redemption, I still have a few trophies for that, then I will start getting missed trophies for God of War I, II and III and then Assassin's Creed I (don't need to do Assassin's Creed 2 since that is my only Platinum haha). After Assassin's Creed I will be doing inFAMOUS then the Uncharted games since I was very sloppy and rushed on both of those I still have several to get for them. By then I will probably have my preorder of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and will also replace my Heavy Rain game when I go in to get that and clean up the trophies on there before moving on to the new games I haven't played at all which will be Dead Space, Prince of Persia (PS3), Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, DMC 4 and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
I am not going all out on the Trophies and going for Platinum on all the games since I really don't care about that, I just mainly feel that I left some trophies that I would like to try for because I think it will add to my overall experience with the game and that I haven't properly played the games until I have at least tried for those. Online trophies are something I won't be trying for because online gaming just isn't my thing and will be the thing that keeps me from many Platinum Trophies but also I won't be going for trophies on the highest difficulty because that is just more time consuming than I want to invest into the gaming right now. Although once I get through all the games I want to and don't have anything new to play I may give those a chance although that won't be for a long time and something I probably won't do for all the games I play. For now though I will leave you before this blog turns into a story/novel so although I won't be around the forums because of all the gaming I have to do I will do my best to keep you up to date on my gaming progress and anything else you might want to know that's going on in my life. Take care everyone and I hope all is well with you. :)
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