So I Just Got This Funky Looking Emblem.....

Opinion by -Moroes- on  Jul 18, 2009



Do ya feel lucky, punk?


Honestly this is the last thing I expected at 4:30 AM :).  Thanks RON, fishdalf, and serbsta.  I will do my best to contribute to the community.


EDIT: I am also getting a name change from -Moroes- to Moroes.  The funny story behind this is that initially I signed up for the website as Moroes, but there were some issues when it came to e-mailing the confrimation message, so I just made another account named -Moroes-.

Also today I reached the level of Stormrage... my favorite level on NoobFeed :) (for obvious reasons).  Stormrage refers to Illidan Stormrage... the main boss of Black Temple in the Burning Crusade and probably one of the coolest bosses of all time.


I also got some pretty good gear while raiding Naxxaramas (WoW) today... so overall it has been a pretty good day :).

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