So, I'm back... kind of...
General by Karsciyin on May 22, 2009
Hello. I have to admit that my laptop has been 'fixed' for a while, though this particular site has been given it lagging problems (though Ron's MSN tagline promising a fix in that respect, i don't know how much he's told you guys).
I'll have to try and get here more often though because I don't here from you guys - RON, KnightofFreedom and Nightember in particular - enough on MSN. Mind you, that's my fault - it's been two weeks since I signed in.. >.> I'm trying to change that. I'm online right now in fact, even though there is no one to talk to.
Any guys wanting to MSN me, my TSP/deviantART/RnadomPeopleCanSeeThis/etc MSN email is "". I'll switch to that now, I think.
...okay done. Maybe if you guys get in fast enough I'll see you there; dinner is soon. I'm supposed to be cooking it. I'm not. Maybe I'll just shout us chips or something. >.>
AND! Apologising for any wrong footing and bad first impressions as it were, also apologising for too looooong absence, and hope to here from you guys soon, if I remember. Maybe I'll put a regular reminder in my phone - I just ofund it again after it being lost for three weeks.
I don't know if you know about EIT (college) - I think you do - but my BCS is going pretty well. The classes are great, but assignments SUCK. I have 2 due in two weeks and I've barely started on either, plus some tests I'm sure I'll fail. Still... that's what I thought for the first ones, and I got them fairly well... I need motivation...
..and a warmer bedroom. Most of the time, when me over-enthusiastic laptop is picked up off the desk, you can cook eggs on the hot wood (not that I want to; i don't like eggs). It's only mid-autumn and globes aren't enough - every now and then I put an owl puppet on a hand to insulate it until I need the hand again (his name is Owlie ^.^). Brr... can't light the fire because the chimney is leaking. (Something I picked up from Nightember: *sad face*)
Anyway, see you guys around. (And thank goodness I copied this to clipboard before posting, or I would have lost everything... twice.)
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