Spider-Man PS4, Every Villain Confirmed So Far

Who has been confirmed for Spider-Man PS4?

 by Grayshadow on  Jul 30, 2018

Spider-Man PS4 comes out in a few months and has a lot of acclaim behind it. After multiple showings and a demo, Insomniac has proven they can deliver an outstanding Spider-Man game, build from the hearts of fans. With so many villains part of the game, it's hard to keep track of everyone. Here's every villain confirmed for Spider-Man PS4.

Spider-Man PS4,NoobFeed,Insomniac,Mr Negative,

Mr. Negative

Martin Li, also known as Mr. Negative was one of the first villains shown by Insomniac Games. Though he'll play a prominent role in the game it's clear that someone more powerful is pulling the strings.

As one of the biggest patrons of New York, aiding the city with homeless shelters and Aunt May's employer taking Mr. Negative down won't be as easy as other villains.

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We've seen Shocker in action. In the E3 2018 demo Shocker attempts to rob a bank. Featuring his iconic yellow-mask Herman Schultz is scare and has no choice but to work for his employers. Beyond that, it's unknown what role Shocker will play in the game.

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Subjected to an experiment by Dr. Farley Stillwell and paid by J. Jonah Jameson Mac Gargan hates Spider-Man and the people responsible for turning him into an animal. Shown in E3, Scorpion will join the other Sinister Six in destroying Spider-Man.

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Another member of the Sinister Six Toomes was a businessman who took revenge against his former partner Gregory Bestman. After losing everything Toomes adapted the Vulture and began his career as a professional villain,

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Part of the Sinister Six Maxwell Dillion has always hated the world. With an absent father and his wife leaving him. After looking for work at an electric company Dillion was struck by lightning while holding powerlines, granting him powers. Dillion would go on to use his powers for personal gain.

Spider-Man PS4,NoobFeed,Insomniac Games,


The fifth member of the Sinister Six Rhino, known as Aleksei Sytsevich, was a member of the Russian Mafia. Yearning for power and wealth he went through chemical and radiation treatment to obtain superhuman strength. His armor, now bonded to his body, boost his already incredible strength but now with the defense to match.

Spider-Man PS4,NoobFeed,Taskmaster,Insomniac Games,


Taskmaster hasn't been shown yet but has been confirmed for Spider-Man PS4. Tony Masters became Taskmaster when part of S.H.I.E.D. and has photographic reflexes. This means he can learn anyone's techniques by watching them one time, even feats performs by supernatural people. 

Silver Sable,Spider Man-PS4,NoobFeed,Insomniac Games,

Silver Sable

Hired by Norman Osborn Silver Sable is considered the ultimate mercenary. Willing to work for the highest bidder Sable is one of the deadliest warriors in the Marvel universe. Hired by Norman Osborn to hunt down Spider-Man she'll stop at nothing to complete her mission. In addition, to her own skills, Sable is in command of Wolf Pack, some of the best-trained soldiers on the planet.

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Norman Osborn

Norman Osborn is one of Spider-Man's greatest villains. In Spider-Man PS4 he's running for re-election and has hired Silver Sable to end the city vigilantes Spider-Man who he has declared an enemy of the people. It's unknown if this Norman will retain his Green Goblin persona or if Harry will play a role in the game.

Spider-Man PS4,NoobFeed,Kingpin,Insomniac Games,


Spider-Man PS4 takes place after Spider-Man defeated Wilson Fisk, better known as the Kingpin. A classic mob boss Wilson is smart, resourceful, and without mercy. It's unclear how Fisk will involve himself in the upcoming game but considering his resourcefulness it's doubtful he'll remain silent for long. 

Spider-Man PS4,NoobFeed,Black Cat,Insomniac Games,

Black Cat

Black Cat is not a villain but she isn't a hero either. She has appeared as hero, enemy, and love-interest of Spider-Man. Her role in Insomniac's adventure hasn't been revealed yet but she'll be part of the tale through DLC.

Spider-Man PS4 launches September 7th for PS4.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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