Super Smash Bros. 3DS Demo Impression
The demo for Super Smash Bros. 3DS is finally available to the public.
by Grayshadow on Sep 26, 2014
The demo for Super Smash Bros. is finally available to the public. While it only gives us a taste of what is to be expected from this already popular fighting franchise I can't help but want more. With only a limited choice of characters and only stage to fight on this small portion of what is to come already has me hooked.
The selectable characters pale in comparison to the entire roster, only 5 of the 49 total characters are playable. Players can choose from Mario, Link, Pikachu, Villager and Megaman, each with their own distinctive move set. Battlefield, a replica of Dream Land from Super Smash Bros. Brawl, is the only selectable stage. Like the character select screen you're teased with all the other amazing Nintendo themed environments that will be accessible in the final product.
The core gameplay elements present in the original Super Smash Bros., and every game in the franchise that followed, is still present here. Players inflict as much damage on the opposing players and attempt to knock them out of the arena. Special items litter the battlefield that are available to use against opposing players.
Each of the playable characters had unique moves, such as Link's iconic spin-attack and Megaman's blaster. Many of youwere worried that the Nintendo 3DS wouldn't be able to handle the chaotic rampages that occur in each fight or that the3DS would like the precision controls found on a console gamepad. You'll be glad to hear that the 3DS is more qualified to handle the demanding precision Super Smash Bros. fans demand.
Smash 3DS runs at a solid 60 frames-per-second and characters are beautifully designed. However this doesn't mean that Nintendo solved all the issues, especially one that will remain present in the final product. The small screen can make it difficult to track your character, especially when more than one of the same character is on screen. The heavy outlines do assist in tracking your avatar but during hectic battles it's easy to lose track of where your character is located.
Super Smash Bros. 3DS is impressive. If you're still unsure whether Super Smash Bros. for the 3DS is worth your time this demo will put your worries to rest. After playing you'll be able to decide if the 3DS version is worth the investment or to wait for the Wii U edition.
Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 3DS is set to release on October 3 in NA.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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