The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope - No Escaping Fate Achievement Guide

Make sure everyone dies

 by Grayshadow on  Oct 31, 2020

The No Escaping Fate achievement is a tricky but doable achievement in The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope. Here's how to get it.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope,NoobFeed,Little Hope,

First, everyone needs to live until the final scene but must not face their demons. This means that everyone must survive the QTEs leading up to the ruined house.

1. Angela

Angela's demon is the first one you'll encounter. She has 2 encounters that determine whether she can be "saved". In the Theatrical Cut, it's when the demon appears the second time and attempts to drag Angela into the sewer. Here you must tell John and Andrew to save her, this will damn her to die in the home.

In the Curator's Cut Angela will have the chance to stand by John while facing his demon. Instead, choose to be "Resentful" and this will damn her as well. Just make sure she survives by choosing John to help her.

2. Taylor

After the Chruch Taylor and Daniel will be split from the group. Taylor will be attacked and have Daniel to follow the sound. He'll find Taylor and like Angela beg Daniel to help her.

3. Daniel

In the textile mill, Daniel will have to face his demon when he falls into a hole. Have Andrew try to "pull" Daniel up. Make sure to complete the QTE and when the command prompts choose "Reckless" too damn Daniel.

4. John

After the fight against his demon when holding the door in the ruined house, choose to be Fearful to ensure John's death.

When finished everyone will die in the home.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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