The Gadget Report 04: Space Suits and Plants!

Technology by ForestHump on  Apr 29, 2009

Well, I see you there, peeking up on me while I am writing, sneeky you.


So you have managed to find your way down here haven't you. That is very good. I have some very interesting topics to discuss today. This Gadget Report is going to be a double header. I will cover 2 "gadgets" I say gadgets in quotes because these are not exactly gagdets, but rather very interesting developments in the future of tech.


I think I will start off with the Plants on the Moon as they were announced first.


That there my friends is the first prototype for a greenhouse on the moon. The concept was desinged by Paragon Technologies. A company which specalizes in government technologies ( space, military, ect). They plan to send it up with the Ares I and V. It is still in prototype desings but much thought has been put into it. The plant is Brassica (mustard plant). The plant is going to be grown in a pressurized greenhouse and is hoping to even reseed itself in one Moon Day, which is 14 Earth Days, which is actually the amount of time it takes here on Earth. Here is a video of the project.


Next up is the new spacesuit design.


NASA and the government cancelled plans for a new spacesuit design a while back, but now they are back with a new and improved design. It is being developed by Paragon and is a supposed one suit solution to launch, land, space, and moon exploration. The suit will be the only new suit designed for NASA in over 40 years. The suit is taking the best approach to thermal and life support issues. The suit is planning to be apart of the Constelation missions and is going to be capable of both Moon and Mars exploration. The next manned mission to the Moon is planned for no earlier than 2015. The test of the new Ares rocket is this July. I will be attending that launch, look for coverage of that this summer :)


Here is a video of the space suit.


P.S. Realy sorry about having to link off to the videos, the embed code was not working.



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