The Last of Us - Left Behind Trophy Guide

Beat The Last of Us Left Behind, go back for the trophies.

Games by Grayshadow on  Feb 16, 2014

The Last of Us Left Behind released yesterday and no doubt a lot of you are excited to see what exactly happened to Ellie's best friend Riley. Not only do you get to play Ellie before she met Joal but it also explains what happened to Ellie and Joal after the resourceful carpenter took a fatal fall in the campaign.

The Last of Us Left Behind,Trophy Guide,Gameplay,Unlockables

If you're like me then completing the DLC isn't enough, you have to collect all the new trophies. Fortunately I've done all the heavily lifting and composed several videos showing how to get all the hidden trophies, as well as all the collectables and optional conversations hidden throughout Ellie's journey. I hope you enjoy and remember to subscribe and like.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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