Things you just shouldn't do...
Opinion by TempTech on Oct 08, 2010
Okay, so I went and got myself sick. It was an accident, but it could have been avoided. So while I’m sick, I’m just going to list a few things I’ve done that you really shouldn’t do, and why. If I don’t have a really good reason, then I’m going to go with the classic, “It’s not good for you.” No particular order. I’ll list things as they come to mind.
1. If you have a runny nose, falling asleep on your back isn’t a good idea. I must be an idiot to do this time and time again, but every time I have a runny nose and fall asleep on my back, I wake up with a headache. When I turn over, I can just feel all of the mucus from the night before in various places around my head giving me the headache, and it doesn’t want to stay in one place. So I’ll feel a runny nose coming on and sneezes at the most inconvenient times of the day. It still doesn’t occur to me that I should probably keep my tissues closer in these instances.
2. If you know it’s too much, don’t eat it. My family likes to stuff me because they think I’m too skinny, and when they’re getting me a million things to eat I think, “Well, they went through the trouble, I know I’m full, but I can get it over with, finish it, and then it won’t go to waste.” No. You know in the Holocaust, even more people died because when the troops came with food, the victims said, “I’m so hungry I could eat a dozen potatoes!” Of course, when they tried, their stomachs were too small and they were too weak to successfully digest more than a potato or two. Seriously, don’t give yourself an unnecessary stomach ache. It could turn into something worse. On the flip side…
3. If you haven’t eaten anything for a long while, don’t think you can do a vigorous workout, and don’t try it immediately after you’ve just eaten either. I’m not sure if this is hereditary, but if I don’t eat for a while and then I try getting my heart rate up like crazy, I end up vomiting. Any morsel that was left in my stomach, including small amounts of water, come right back up.
4. Do not laugh when someone is angry and yelling at you. Do whatever you have to to keep a straight face, but don’t laugh. If not for the other person’s dignity, then for your own well being. I think there’s a fine line between being angry and violence. I’m sure everyone has the potential to lose it. Having been in this position myself, I also think that when you’re at that point, punching someone is the only way to get them to stop laughing. It works of course, but then you’ve got a fight on your hands. If in the case the other person has something to lose by punching you, they may either risk it, or you may find the backlash in a different form. Either way, it’s never good to laugh in the face of an angry person. Since this has gotten pretty long already, I’ll make the fifth thing my last one.
5. Try not to fall asleep in/on dusty areas. I know it happens sometimes, and I know that some people will probably think the very idea outrageous, but my cat has claimed all available beds in this house, and so I preferred sleeping on the dusty carpet to the cat-fur covered beds before I got my plastic mattress. In any case, sleeping in dusty areas will definitely leave you with a nasty stuffy nose and possible headache when you wake up. Just as well, sometimes there’s more in dust than it may seem; causing or aggravating many sicknesses. Breathing dust is bad too. Yeah, anyone have grey boogers before?
That’s about it. Some of the more common things I shouldn’t be/have been doing. Of course there are more like, don’t eat food off of the ground, don’t run with scissors or don’t stay up all night every night, but either I haven’t had experience with those or I know there are reasons to do them that overrule the reasons not to, so whatever on those. Plus, for different people it’s different things. I personally would never eat the side of food that’s fallen, but if that’s been working for someone else so far, then great.
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