Top 10 games list
General by Daxter223 on Oct 29, 2009
This is my top 10 games list since i dont have a xbox anymore ill just write a lil about why i liked them back in the day....
Well lets start
I know this game should be my no 1 ..i mean i played it more then anything but its one of my favs why ? Youre bassicaly playing a movie and in multiplayer you can be a super killing machine ... Great graphics and storyline make it a unique game and a starting point for more great games to come
Well this game besides having close to 0% percent it incorporates an urban environement with action and gives a unique gaming expierience,it mainly focuses on "parcour" which is a sport that consists of getting from point a to b by avoiding obstacles this game is granted to keep you far from guns but close to fun
Personnaly the game i spent the most time playing was fable 2 , a couple of things come to my mind but to resume the game shortly ... great storyline , out of this world graphics , ground enchancement technologies that make this rpg game make you live the life of hero the way you want it
Most realistic racing experience ever created forza 2 is a must have for any racing gamer it gives you realistic handling combined with out of this world graphics
Halo 3 for me had mixed opinions but in the end came out as a pretty decent game for one every mission of the game was pretty much the same getting from point a to b while hitting a bunch of midgety aliens on the otehr hand beating the crap out of them aliens was pretty fun so its a must have but at the same time you get bored pretty damn quickly
Whats funner then chainsawing heads of monsters ? chainsawing their heads off in the sequel GOW 2 continues the story of the already succesfull GOW it continues the story perfectly ,gives you more stuff to shoot at and has some of the awesomest graphics ive ever seen ...
When ur bored and have nothing to do guitar hero is there for you its fun altough you get bored of it quick its a good game to play on the days that well boredom is squishing your eyes out
Who here doesnt like crashing ? if you dont then stop reading why ? cuz this game isnt just about racing its about crashing too ... crashing is fun but its funner in hd aint it ? especially when you have a big map and awesome cars who are just begging to kiss a metal pole or a rival car
Okay so i never played the game so this mini review of it wont inform you much xD all i know is that resident evil rocks and its a great game for racists and normal gamers everywhere
Why is this my favorite game ? Because it was one of my first and one of the few that i miss the most since i got my xbox stolen it was the game i also played the most back in the days i had an xbox and a life and with a bunch of new episodes being added to it it just makes me thing WHY THE HELL DONT I HAVE AN XBOX ANYMORE ! xD
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