Top 5 Title Themes

Music by OnMercury on  Dec 22, 2011

Let it never be said that first impressions are unimportant. Prior to releases, developers suck you in with awesome demos—some of which set your expectations too high. In gameplay, they need to introduce you to core concepts without handholding or patronizing you. And as games like Rage demonstrate, the early reaches of a game are often given more attention than later segments.


But did you ever think about the music? Music sets the mood and gives extra "oomph" to big moments, both in gameplay and cutscenes. And the title screen gives you just a little taste of what's to come. It's not something we often think about, but yes, even the title theme should leave a good first impression. Here are five that do exactly that.



#5. Paper Mario



The storybook-inspired Paper Mario’s soundtrack was full of silliness and whimsy, but the title theme was its best. It’s freakin’ ragtime! How many times have you seen ragtime in a game soundtrack? The novelty alone should earn Paper Mario a spot, but thankfully it's a really damn catchy song. Just try to get it out of your head once it gets going.



#4. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm



Say what you want about WoW (actually, don’t, because that bit’s been done to death), but Blizzard’s MMORPG has some brilliant, mood-setting music. Case in point, the title theme for the Cataclysm expansion. Actually a symphonic movement comprising melodies and motifs from songs throughout the game’s seven-year history, Catcalysm’s title theme embodies what WoW’s atmosphere should be: Strife, intensity, sorrow and hope. If only the story and action could soar to the same heights as its score, WoW could be something truly great.



#3. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker



You were probably expecting the Fairy’s Fountain theme. The Fairy Fountain is a great theme, but part of what makes The Wind Waker’s title theme so great is how far-removed it is from the series mainstay. It’s faster and more adventurous, and the instrumentation has a decidedly Celtic feel. Wind Waker remains one of the most divisive Zelda titles (perhaps second only to Link’s Adventure), but no one can dispute the beauty of its soundtrack.



#2. Mass Effect 2



Mass Effect 2 took everything great about its predecessor’s soundtrack and amped it way the hell up. The result is a grander, darker and more stylish score. Jack Wall and company outdid themselves with the game’s title and credits theme, Suicide Mission; it’s completely brilliant. It opens with low-key electric tones, a series staple, followed by the strings and brass sections, slowly building until the explosive entry of the percussion section. What’s technically a very repetitive melody is kept fresh and interesting throughout by subtle, constant changes in instrumentation. It’s tough to beat, but somehow one song managed.



#1. The Elders Scrolls III: Morrowind



Nope, it’s not Skyrim! ...Look, folks, just because a game is new, doesn’t mean everything about it is superior to its predecessors. Great as its soundtrack is, it's outshone by Morrowind. Need proof? Check out the gorgeous Nerevar Rising. I tried playing Morrowind once and, I’m sorry to say, couldn’t get into it; I barely managed an hour of gameplay. I sincerely regret that. Not because of the story or the gameplay, but because of music like this. I missed out on hearing this every time I booted up the game. That, more than anything, is the sign of a remarkable soundtrack.


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