Top Poll Voters

General by BiZZy on  Nov 07, 2009

Just another update; you can see the previous one by fishdalf here

Top count almost doubled!


1.ILIAS - 182

2.fishdalf - 179

3.RON - 175

4.biZZy - 173

5.canana - 172

6.Tanya - 158

7.King - 155

8.Yianis - 147

9.Nirvana - 135

10.kelaidis - 132

11.XparagonX - 117

12.Woozie - 113

13.azn_pride - 106

14.ForestHump - 97

15.EliteEdge - 96

16.Big_Boss - 88

17.good_cat - 84

18.serbsta - 82

18.Daktary - 82

19.Shindiggah - 69

20.Knight - 63

20.VeKayElSee - 63


Enjoy the day!

Mustafa Ruhun Nabi

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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