Top ten movies :P
Movies by Daxter223 on Sep 05, 2009
Well guys i decided to write a blog about my top ten i saw a bunch of movies my whole life and i dont have one favorite i have im gonna post the movie and write a lil about it ...
Hitman (movie) : Starring the evil guy from Live free or die hard the movies succes was actually...well there wasnt succes..but in my eyes this movie is beyond ownage...despite the confusing story it has great action scenes and its a great movie for dem hitman lovers !
Transformers 1 : This movie was a great succes worldwide due to the fact that it had some of the best technology ive ever seen in a movie ... the way the robots moved was awesoem and the action scenes werent bad either , graet story , great action scenes , hot girl makes this movie make my list
New parts , same cars ..or something like that was the motto for the new fast and furious taht came out earlier this year , personally i loved that movie it had everything that the 1st one had ..without the bull!@#$ of the 2nd an 3rd ... it puts back in action my favorite actor (Vin Diesel) and hot stop wondering why its on my list cuz you guessed it!
Angels and demons ... ..i never read the book not like that id rather watch a movie... so after seeing this masterpiece i actually want to read the god damn paper... i mean this movie is just great excellent storyline , based on close to reality and it also shows good values and that the church is vulnerable at some point and that science could mean the end of earth (that mustve sounded weird coming from me)
I dont even know why bruno made my was the gayest movie i ever seen..but still...i never laughed so hard in my life....of course there were parts when i started puking but waddya expect from a Sacha Baran Cohen movie ? So besides the awfull obscene scenes ..bruno was actually funny , altough i feel bad for the people he ruined lives of
My all time favorite movie made it 5th...why? cuz its old but still scarface is an american movie ****c , it shows the life of a criminal who comes from nothing and rises to the top, eventually he gets power hungry and that leads to his fall , the movie might be old but its a goodie ...forget goodie ...greatie
If youre wondering why this movie made my list at #4 its because it had the humour of borat...without the obsenity and idiocy was basicaly a movie to promoted peace in the middle east , altough i never heard of a counter terrorist whod rather cuz "haer" i still think this movie has great potential be banned from israeli cinemas .....just kidding ...its ownage !!!!
All my life i saw ever batman movie more then twice....well this one caught my eye... the reason is that it shows the story with the same characters but a different perspective and a new approach to the way things are handled ..before the joker was just about blowing up stuff and then batman would come and whup him..well now the joker is getting inside peoples minds and taking them down easily ...
I always loved spy movies and this one takes just like zohan a real world issue and makes it into a movie but this one isnt about some anti terro dude who wants to cut hair no this one shows the exact corruption we have in this world and how gouverments fall just because of money and power hungry idiots who think that times of communism were better that enough to make you wanna see the movie
As i said before i dont have a favorite i just have a top ten and this one reached number one for a few reasons ...geat acting , great design , great ..yaddi yaddi yadda.... but no im just say pure and simple that i loved the movie..thats it thats all..
Thanks for ten video games is coming in a week , top ten tv series in a few more weeks and theres a lotta top tens coming up so keep a lookout
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