What I Did On My April Fools

Rant by Dramus on  Apr 02, 2011

So April 1st came and went. For those of us who follow this wonderfull day, we know about the wonderous evil potential it holds. I, myself, am one to always exploit a possible evil. I have always been a big prankster, so big infact that i had to lay low for a few years so as to be able to come back big. I will tell you now about my last prank, and then about yesterdays pranks :).


2005. Wonderfull year. I had been apointed supervisor of my department and it being my first job ever i was super duper psyched. April first came along and i wanted to prank my boss who was in N.Y. He's a nice dont get me wrong. If anything he would always pamper us with whatever request we ever threw at him. So, he had sent a sort of examiner to us to evaluate us. After the evaluator called him saying that it was a waste of time since productivity wise we were operating beyond the expected capacity, i decided to convince her on a nice april fools prank. So on that April 1st (funny how it was a friday just like yesterday lol) She calls him and tells him "We have a problem, i dont know what happened but all these guys want to quit. they are all packing up and are about to walk out the door. What the hell did you tell them? did you piss them off somehow? what did you do??" we all then got on the phone with him one on one and told him what a horrible boss he was and how we were under appreciated and what not and that we were quitting. this went on for like 10 mins. Eventually, he asked to talk to me and asked if we were all really quitting, i answered yea that he really needs to know how to treat people better and that we had enough of all this crap and that we were leaving. The voice on the other side of the phone went from normal to "omg what the hell just happened...not good not good, we cant afford a massive labor quit like this..." the distress in his voice told me i was starting to go a bit far so i broke off the joke before anyone walked out the door. Sadly, as i found out a few minutes later when we said "happy april fools!!" he didnt know what it was, being that he was from Israel and never really experienced much april fooling there as his time in the U.S. was never around that time. In the end, he calmed down and sent us a huge can of coffee for us a few weeks later lol


That was then, This time, i decided to ALSO prank my newer boss. in fact, its the same job lol. long story short, i conviced one of our customers to call him pissed as heck saying that there was a wedding on saturday and they ordered a really expensive $8k ring and the order was never processed and that if the order was not with them that they would close the account and stuff like that. My boss, being the guy he is, he gets freaked out from ANYTHING. I mean he would go crazy for something 1000 times less serious than this. after about 5 minutes of him looking for the order and me "pretending" to help him, i print out a fake physical order and hand it to him. on the order, the PO# says "HAPPY APRIL FOOLS" after a minute, he crumbles the paper and throws it at me saying "you A**" he thanked the customer and had my awesome april fools :D


The blog entry you all know already. Had 3 victims...good times, you guys are the best :D


Dramus, signing out

Tomas Velez

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