Why Is My Life So Bad Right Now :(

General by ForestHump on  Apr 21, 2009

Well. Lets recap, Puck in face, dumped by girlfriend, oh and I need glasses. This is a new development. Today I am staying home from school for an irritation on my eye. I finished up writing the second Gadget Report and drove up to the optomatrist to check out my eye. They did an exam and what not. They checked my eye and told be my corniera was scratched. So I just have to take some eyedrops and then it should be fine by tomorrow. Well that is the least of my worries. When I got their they asked when my last eye exam was. I told them it was five years ago when I was 12. So they gave me the full regular exam. Turns out I am just below 20 20. Which makes no sense to me. All my life I have never has sight issues. I can see fine when driving, and in school I have never had issues seeing the board, and I sit at the back. So they tell me I need to wear glasses or contacts. Great. I am thinking about getting laser eye surgery to get 20 20, otherwise my dream of becoming an Air Force pilot just ended :(


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