Wolfenstein: Youngblood How to Obtain the Dieselkraftwerk
Where is the Dieselkraftwerk located?
by Grayshadow on Jul 29, 2019
Wolfenstein: Youngblood has lots of powerful weapons, but some are more useful than others. The Dieselkraftwerk is one of these weapons. Here's how to obtain it.
The Dieselkraftwerk is located in Brother 2. This is a story requirement and can be found in the second weapon facility. After climbing up the tower and reaching the first main area, with a large robot in the mission and hanging parts, head to the second area.
Go down and in the middle, you'll see a locked door. Obtain the key codes from the commander in the area to find the Dieselkraftwerk inside a weapon crate.
Laserkraftwerk Location
Elektrokraftwerk Location
Diselkraftwerk Location
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