Yellow Light of Death

Other by -Moroes- on  Nov 30, 2009



I have been hit by the yellow light of death.  What I believe did me in is a recent power surge that occured in my area.  I was playing my PS3, and all of the sudden the power went out for literally less than a second, and came back on.  Ever since that I have been getting a green light, a yellow light, and flashing red lights whenever I try to turn on my PS3.  After turning my PS3 on and off for a few mins it ends up running, but I know it won't last much longer.  My warrinty is over, and I am really not looking forward to giving Sony $150+ dollars to repair a console due to an event which was completely out of my control.

I do see some irony in this... I switched to gaming mainly on the Playstation 3 because I wasn't looking forward to getting the RRoD.  Ironically my Xbox 360 is working fine while my PS3 got hit by one of the rarest console related problems >_>.  Did I mention that I really hate Sony?

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