The village of Rynoka is set apart from others by is its proximity to a handful of gates leading to other dimensions. Moonlighter follows Will, a shopkeeper with a burning desire for adventure, as he enters these gates, facing the creatures on the other side and retrieving treasu...
After receiving a New Game+ mode in its Adventure update last week, Moonlighter now has a release date for its Switch version. The title will make its way on Nintendo's most re
If it's been a while since you dipped your toes in one of Moonlighter's dungeons (or the eponymous store), it might be time to give it another look. Digital Sun have releas
Released back in May on PC, Xbox One and PS4, Moonlighter is finally making its way over to the Nintendo Switch. While no specific date was given, we know it'll land on Nintend
At the beginning of the month, developer Digital Sun and publisher 11 bit studios layed out Moonlighter's 2018 content roadmap. The first step was the "More Stock" up
"Time Is Money" is not only a phrase famously used by Benjamin Franklin but also the name of Moonlighter's latest patch. It focuses on issues tied to the shop and vil
While reviewing Moonlighter, I grew quite fond of its mixture of shopkeeping and dungeoneering. By the looks of it, I wasn't alone. The title's good reception has prompted
Moonlighter, the Action RPG where you're both merchant and hero, is just a few days away. To make the wait easier, developer Digital Sun and publisher 11 bit studios have put o
Digital Sun have announced that their upcoming title, Moonlighter, will launch on Xbox One, PC and PS4 on May 29th. The title will be available both digitally and physically, thank
The village of Rynoka is set apart from others by is its proximity to a handful of gates leading to other dimensions. Moonlighter follows Will, a shopkeeper with a burning desire f