11-11: Memories Retold doesn't attempt to tell a grand tale about World War 1, instead it decides to take a more personal approach. Following 2 soldiers as they take part in The Great War for personal reasons. The adventure is a deeply enriching tale about endurance, friendsh...
Today animation studio Aardman confirmed they're working with Bandai Namco on a new IP. Information is limited but it's a "multiple media" project tha
Today, the soundtrack for Bandai Namco's upcoming 11-11: Memories Retold was released for players to purchase. Composed by Olivier Deriviere who also worked on
Bandai Namco Entertainment, Aardman, and DigixArt have released a new trailer for 11-11: Memories Retold. Shining a light on the humanity of soldiers who fought in WW1.
Recently, Bandai Namco released a new trailer for 11-11: Memories Retold, giving players a first look into the characters in this tale. At 11am, on the 11th Day, of the 11
Today, Bandai Namco announced a new narrative-driven game set in World War 1 called 11-11: Memories Retold. In development by DigixArt, a French developer who made
11-11: Memories Retold doesn't attempt to tell a grand tale about World War 1, instead it decides to take a more personal approach. Following 2 soldiers as they take part in Th
11-11: Memories Retold has a lot of endings but some are hidden behind specific options. Here's how to unlock the revenge ending. This ending requires the player to
11-11: Memories Retold has a lot of endings but some are hidden behind specific options. Here's how to unlock the betrayal ending. This ending requires the player t
11-11: Memories Retold has a lot of endings but some are hidden behind specific options. Here's how to unlock the peace ending. During part 3 The Plan Kurt will lea
11-11: Memories Retold has a lot of endings but some are hidden behind specific options. Here's how to unlock the forgiven ending. During part 3 The Plan Kurt will