Life is Strange has a profound history of delivering emotionally charged tales thanks to well-written characters and deeply personal stories. Whether it was Max reconnecting with her childhood friend Chloe, Chloe learning to find happiness again with Rachel Amber, or Sean tr...
Square Enix has issued a new patch for Life is Strange True Colors. Fixing trophy and achievement issues along with adding performance and high-resolution toggles for Xbo
Life is Strange True Colors has been a massive hit, many considering one of the best in the series. But there are still issues and Square Enix has a new patch available for al
Uploading gameplay content has become more problematic currently. YouTube and Twitch have aggressive copyright music protections that can flag gameplay and completely take the reve
Life is Strange: True Colors is the next big release in the popular narrative franchise. With Square Enix releasing the first gameplay trailer of the game The tra
Those hoping to catch up to Life is Strange before Life is Strange: True Colors will have to wait. Sam and Max's remastered adventure is delayed to 2022.
Life is Strange: True Colors is the next game in the acclaimed Life is Strange series. With Square Enix publishing the opening scene of the game. The scene sh
Life is Strange is one of the most beloved narrative games available. The third game in the series has been confirmed as Life is Strange: True Colors with a new prot
Life is Strange has a profound history of delivering emotionally charged tales thanks to well-written characters and deeply personal stories. Whether it was Max reconnecting w
B-Side is the final chapter in Life is Strange True Colors. Having Alex relive some dark memories, discovering she may have superhuman durability, and the final set of me
Chapter 4 continues Alex's story with the Spring Festival. With a brand new set of memories to collect as well. Location: Party Time 1. Pressed Rose This is in the
Steph is one of Alex's options for a relationship. Here's how to develop that bond with Steph. The bond process starts early, make sure you visit Steph in chapter 2
Life is Strange: True Colors' third chapter has Alex searching for more clues about Typhon and the companies operations but first, we need to help Ethan. And before that c
When speaking to Eleanor in Life is Strange: True Colors for the first time alone you learn something heartbreaking, she has Alzheimer's and is going through an
When entering Steph's shop you'll notice a guy who seems really sad. His dog is missing and you can help him locate his lost doggo quite easily, and earn an achievement as
Life is Strange True Colors Chapter 2 continues the tragic tale of Alex as she tries to figure what happened the night Gabe died. With more collectables available and we have
Life is Strange True Colors has Alex working her first real job in Haven and right off after the first order we have a problem, Duckie's exclusive whiskey is missing. Here
The jukebox game is something players can take part in to build a relationship with Steph. To beat her you have to guess the name of the song being played. The song's na
Life is Strange: True Colors is full of collectables that offer more insight into the characters in this story. Here are the locations for all 5 of them in chapter 1. Remember