Animal Crossing: New Horizons Direct Provides Highlights Everything You Need to Know Before Playing
Check out everything you can do in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
News by Grayshadow on Feb 20, 2020
Animal Crossing: New Horizons launches this March 20th and Nintendo's latest Direct provided an extensive look at the game. Including everything, you need to know before starting.
The presentation is molded just like an advertisement from Tom Nook's monopoly business. But with calming music to avoid thinking about how the Nook family controls everything.
Part 1
Players will live on an island with several other NPCs.
You'll arrive on the island by air after choosing where to go. The game is separated into hemispheres and you choose what part to live in.
Once you arrive a presentation will play and you'll be given a tent on the island. Tom Nook's tent is open 24/7 and will provide services such as purchasing and selling items and crafting items using the DIY workshop. Which will have more options the more you learn.
The airport is how you access multiplayer. Allowing you to travel to other islands.
The NookPhone will provide a camera and map. You can also call for help if you need to reset or get stuck. Sending the player back to their home or tent.
Nook will make a broadcast each morning about current in-game news and suggest activities. With some offering payment to pay off your debt to Nook (Seriously this guy is like the Mafia, he controls everything!).
Dangerous creatures such as wasps, scorpions and supernatural beings (Yes I said supernatural) will appear. Which can lead to a swelled up eye or being totally knocked out.
Castaways are NPCs who've washed up on the island and you can help.
After learning enough you can build your own home.
Nook Miles can be exchanged for Nook Miles Tickets. Providing access to mystery island tours on other islands.
8 NPCs will live on 1 island and 4 players local cooperative is available. Any items picked up by the guest characters can be placed in a recycle box at the resident services to be picked up later.
Players can bring custom designs from New Lead and Happy Home through QR codes. The NookLink can also be used as a messenger tool or voice application for online multiplayer.
Part 2
You can recruit new neighbors and place their homes wherever you want.
New shops and areas will be added over the course of the game. Including museums.
Isabella will appear after the services tent gets upgraded into the town hall.
Limited time merchants and tourists will appear on the island with unique items.
Free seasonal items and live events will happen at certain times.
Structures can be built to make traveling easier. Like bridges and pathways.
Part 3
Amiibo and cards are supported
Axes and shovels are forbidden when visiting another player's island
No Cloud Saves (WHY!?). All progression is locked to one console and Nintendo will provide data if the player cannot recover the file.
Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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