Modern Warfare 3 Players Are Being Put Into Call of Duty Point Debt
A new glitch has seemingly put some players into COD point debt, and they are unhappy.
News by DShelley on Jan 02, 2024
Things really are just getting worse and worse for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3; even after the promise to improve the game's experience, players are now running into a rather strange glitch. A player has recently found themselves in COD Point debt, with all their points thrown into the negatives. This new glitch most likely came about due to the constant new updates that are happening with live-service games such as Call of Duty.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 constantly receives bug reports, ranging from small, inconvenient things such as visual or audio bugs to something more severe that breaks the game. A more recent example is the bug that allowed Call of Duty Zombies players to kill each other, which turned the game mode into a PvP-type experience. While the Zombies glitch was a more severe issue, another player noticed another glitch that would put his COD Points total in the negatives, essentially making them owe points to the game's publisher Activision.
The first instance of this glitch occurring was shared onto the official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Subreddit by user 'Freet-Treat' who shared a screenshot they had taken of their game's home screen, captioning it with "Why am I in debt with cod points". For those of you who are unfamiliar with the currency, it is the premium currency Activision uses for its more recent Call of Duty titles. Anyway, it's still confusing how this user is -2050 points in debt to Activision.
Sadly, the internet is the internet, and Freet-Treat had a few puns made at their expense in the subreddit. Other players also explained that an unusual event can occur when a player tries to refund a purchase made using the COD points. Luckily, Freet-Treat wasn't the only person to experience such an issue, as user Ianstrife encountered the same issue when trying to refund a Call of Duty Bundle. Hopefully, Activision will resolve this incredibly strange issue and free Freet-Treat from their debt… Or they might make it a mechanic.
Daman Shelley (@UndeadandTired)
Editor, NoobFeed
Contributor, NoobFeed
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