Spider-Man PS4 Second Pre-Order Bonus Includes Iron Spider
The second of three costumes revealed for Spider-Man PS4
News by Grayshadow on Apr 13, 2018
Next to God of War the most anticipated Sony exclusive, and game, this year is Spider-Man PS4. This month a whole array of information was provided through Game Informer from their exclusive coverage of the game. Those who pre-order will instantly gain access to 3 suits, which can be earned in the game as well. The first revealed was Punk Spider-Man and the second is Iron Spider.
Revealed by MarvelousRealm players can use the suit crafted by Tony Stark himself. The same suit will also be featured in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War film.
Since being leaked the original tweet was deleted.
Spider-Man PS4 launches on PS4 this September 7th.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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