Subnautica - This Game Looks Cool and There Are Screenshots to Prove It

Unknown Worlds releases the first in-game screenshots of Subnautica.

News by XboxBetty on  Apr 12, 2014

The creators of Natural Selection 2, Unknown Worlds, are currently developing an open world adventure game titled Subnautica. Currently in pre-alpha, Subnautica "aims to elicit a feeling of experiencing of the unknown, of not knowing how far, and how deep you can go."

Unknown Worlds,Subnautica,Games

Little has been revealed about the game, however, players will use underwater vehicles to explore environments, including lavish coral reefs and dangerous volcanic areas. The various environments will be teeming with underwater creatures, plants, natural wonders and terrifying threats.  

Friday, Unknown Worlds revealed Subnatuica's first pre-alpha screenshots, coinciding with the game's PAX East reveal. As spectacular as the below screenshots look, future screenshots from the game will get even better.

Unknown Worlds,Subnautica,Screenshot

Unknown Worlds,Subnautica,Screenshot

These screenshots are taken from a real playthrough of a real playable version of Subnautica, but they are very, very early. The game you see here has only been worked on for a few short months. They do not represent what the final product will look like. They do represent some of the gameplay and visual themes that we hope to express when Subnautica is released.

Subnautica will be releasing on PC through Steam, with a release date yet to be announced. Stay tuned for further updates regarding Unknown World's upcoming title.

Megan Bethke (@XboxBetty), NoobFeed

Megan Bethke

, NoobFeed

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